Friday, January 31, 2025

Roosevelt wisdom

| August 18, 2004 11:00 PM

Next Wednesday British Columbia plans on auctioning off leases for coal bed methane development in the headwaters of the North Fork of the Flathead and the Kootenai Rivers.

Both rivers are special places here in the U.S.

National treasures, in fact.

That's why it bothers us when we see an often cavalier attitude by the Canadian government on CBM development there.

Simply put, full-blown coal bed methane development in British Columbia has the potential to adversely impact Glacier National Park, its wildlife and its waters.

That shouldn't be acceptable to anyone. Not here in the U.S. or in British Columbia.

Representatives on both sides of Montana's political spectrum have written letters of concern to the Canadians. To date, there is little, if any, positive response from the Canadian government.

Teddy Roosevelt liked the West African proverb, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

It served him well in his presidency.

If we can't wake the Canadian government up in the next few days, perhaps we, too, should begin to wield the proverbial stick.