Friday, January 31, 2025

Center offers thanks

| December 23, 2004 11:00 PM

Bigfork Senior Center would like to honor and say Thank You Bigfork for your help and support during the years. Many people and groups support us, as a community center both financially and with their love and sweat. We couldn't do it without you. And so we hope to recognize some of you and say a very heartfelt THANK YOU.

Most people don't realize how much activity or how many people pass through the doors each week. As a senior center, we provide lunchtime meals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Center for Seniors. The lunch crowd can be as few as 6 or as many as 20. In addition approximately 40 Meals on Wheels are delivered from the center every week. There is an immunization clinic once a month where anyone any age can receive required shots.

Our center, which actually serves more as a community center hosts holiday parties, potlucks, AARP driving classes, are classes, Bingo, a Bridge Club, TOPS, in addition to more than 15 12-step Meetings per week.

There is a pool hall, a used clothing outlet, exercise room and library. These ongoing activities take a lot of effort and money to keep operating. Expenses are only minimally met by the county. All the rest is with donations from the heart and from the checkbook.

And so we recognize some of you and apologize to those we don't mention for your efforts were no less appreciated and are not forgotten. THANK YOU

?Dorothy Peterson - for your cleaning, your management, your humor, your care, your unpaid extra hours, your decorating, your laughter and especially for your trouble shooting and putting up with complaints

?All the Board Members past and present: Lillian Bailey, current President; Irene Dam, current Vice President; Don Torgerson, Board Member

Maxine Gates Robinson, Board Member who also helps with parties, supplies, donations and food service, and pays the Chamber dues for us

?Wayne Laisy, past Board member, who delivers meals on wheels and helped rebuild the retaining wall and fixed the garage roof, does yard work, and calls Bingo in addition to whatever else we ask him

?Maggie Pontius, current Secretary who can and does fill in whenever needed;

?Tioga White, who keeps the books, pays the bills, has filled in for Dorothy and makes a monthly financial report to the Board

?Jim Slack, past treasurer who kept the books and our expenses in line before Tioga.

?Bonnie Borgeman, Ruth Ostroot, Betty Rose Fulford, past Board members

?David Leach, for music and financial consultations

?Lars Pointer, Don Lawrence and Ken Larson for providing music for social events

?More Meals on Wheels drivers, Ruth Hack, Bonnie Borgmann, Jan Frew, Ann Gentry

?Candy & Orley Martin, former owners of Bill's Conoco who donated 5 cents of every gallon of gas sold when asked to by the purchaser. The new owners Jay and Kelly Shaver have agreed to continue

?Several anonymous donors who have donated more than $5,000 during the past year to help us meet the shortfall on our next years operating expenses

?Step groups who do a deep clean of the facility twice a year and have donated a tree and self-help section of the library

?Chad Felt and Rhonda Qualls who recovered an old couch like new

?Bob Baxter who donated carpet, vinyl and carpet laying labor throughout the center

?Lake View Care Center who held a garage sale and donated proceeds to the center and donate the main dish for the potluck every month

?Craig Muzzy for general maintenance labor and many dollars

?Colin of A & C Lawn Care who drives up and takes care of the yard and drives off.

Flathead Electric who helped us gets a new roof a couple years back

?Bill Brinkman's Memorial Fund that helped us survive last year

?Fred Newcomb for teaching the Art Class voluntarily

?Art Club for their wall mural and decorations

?Bigfork High School and Junior High students who help with cleaning and serving during social events

?All those who donated to the raffles and garage sales such things as tom-ahawks and riding lawnmowers (Lillian Bailey), quilts (Cora Reynolds) and much more

Many people in Bigfork aren't aware of the expense and effort it takes to stay open for the 100+ people who pass through our door each week. We have only touched the tip of the iceberg here of those who have helped us in small and large ways. It is impossible to thank everyone adequately. But we say thank you anyway

If you would like to contribute to the Senior Center, please call Dorothy at 837-4157 or mail your tax-deductible check to, P.O. Box 2272, Bigfork, Mont. 59911.


The Board of Directors