Friday, January 31, 2025

Weed control needed

| July 22, 2004 11:00 PM

To the editor,

The state of Montana has a serious weed problem that is ruining the integrity of its ecosystems. With the never-ending battles concerning environmental issues taking place all around us, I think this is an important topic that needs to be addressed more thoroughly. With more than 20 noxious weeds invading natural ecosystems, education is the first step to remedy this expanding problem.

Although there is an on-going debate concerning herbicide use, in the meantime one could easily become more educated on the issue so they cab define the many different noxious weeds and take individual steps to prevent the spread of them.

Some beginning pointers may include the continuous washing of the undercarriage and body of vehicles, ATVs, motorcycles and bicycles. When leaving an area with weeds, it is also a good idea to look at your clothing (and animals) so you can pick off any seeds that may have attached to you, put them in your pocket and throw them away when you get home.

If using livestock, feed then only weed seed-free forage for several days preceding their use. If planting in your garden or yard, be cautious as to what species you may be inadvertently planting. Some of the noxious weeds in Montana are still sold as ornamentals in many nurseries. By simply picking weeds for a couple minutes each time you go out, the natural vegetation will have a better opportunity to take an area back as well. These steps will aid in preserving native vegetation and restoring natural habitat.

For more information about weeds and weed control, contact the Flathead County Extension Office at 675-2700.

Tony David

University of Montana