Friday, January 31, 2025

Breaking News:

| October 13, 2004 11:00 PM

America - circa 2007. Our military is cut to 50% of its current size. The CIA operates on 20% of its present funding. American individuals are not allowed to own guns - any guns. The United States is under the authority of the World Court. The United Nations commands our military engagements around the world.

Think it can't happen? John Kerry, during his illustrious 19 years in the Senate has built a solid record of voting for bills that move us closer to the scenario above. Consider these votes.

He voted to kill every aircraft carrier laid down from 1988. He voted to kill the B-1. He voted to kill the B-2, along with dozens of other military platforms. He voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons system since 1988, including a bill for battle armor for our troops. He voted to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%. He voted to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%. He voted to cut the funding for the NSA by 80%. He voted to increase OUR funding for UN operations by 800%.

John Kerry has shown up for work in this session of Congress only once so far. That was in March when he voted for a series of anti-gun amendments, to include closing gun shows and banning all center-fire ammunition. He has a lifetime voting record of supporting 51 anti-Second Amendment votes in the Senate. Kerry, Chuck Schumer (D,NY), Dianne Feinstein, (D,CA) and Ted Kennedy (D,MA) all support a binding international treaty currently being developed in the United Nations which, if ratified by the U.S., would ban all civilian guns here and worldwide. Think it can't happen here? Ask the English, or the Australians who watched their 700,000 rifles and shotguns be destroyed in 1996.

John Kerry has asked us to judge him on his record, not his debating skills. Of course this record includes his anti-war gyrations with Jane Fonda in the early 70s. It also includes his 11 different positions on the Iraq war since the Iowa caucus. Following 9/11, he was so concerned about terrorism that he attended just one Senate Intelligence Committee meeting over the following year and less than 25% over the next two years.

I know what Senator Kerry says he'll do if elected President. I look at what he's done over 30 years and get more than a little nervous.

Think the scenario above can't happen? Look what has happened to the Ten Commandments and school prayer - they were just warm-ups for these folks.

Gary Miller
