Friday, February 07, 2025

Kerry's ready to be president?

| October 13, 2004 11:00 PM

Some people actually believe that a President should be chosen by his ability to lead. Nonsense! It's all about winning. Fortunately, John Kerry's core belief is winning and has the record to prove it.

Kerry Forbes Kerry has lived the American Dream. He didn't let being born into the privileged class prevent him from struggling his way into the most elite. Kerry's committed to family values. He's got twice as many families, values as George Bush. Even before Kerry won the Vietnam War he knew winning meant proving himself on the water. So, he went yachting with the Kennedy's. Massachusetts Democrats have their greatest moments on the water. Nothing can dampen family ties.

Kerry's a man of tradition. He's won at least six campaigns based on his record as a Vietnam War Hero. Accusing a winner like Kerry of ripping open the emotional and sociological scars of an entire generation solely for his own benefit has about as much validity as thinking Saddam's openly paying Palestinian suicide bombers, families huge rewards somehow makes him a supporter of terrorism.

Kerry is an innovator. Like most Navy Veterans, I've never heard of an officer recommending himself for battle decorations. Winning more medals than his months in combat puts folks to shame. Eisenhower and Kennedy combined can't match that.

Kerry has convictions and deserves a few more. As he stated on 4/18/71, "There are all kinds of atrocities. I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions."

Yep, that Democratic Presidential Candidate is a real winner. Love it, or as Teresa Heinz Kerry would say, "Shove it!"

J.B. Stone
