Friday, January 31, 2025

Relay in Bigfork?

| October 14, 2004 11:00 PM

Good morning Bigfork. My name is Susan and for the last four summers I have had the opportunity to participate in the Flathead Valley Relay for Life. Our community has always been so generous in contributing to this worthy cause, donating to my team-The Bigfork Hope Helpers-thank you very much for that. I would like to ask everyone if Bigfork would like to have its own Relay For Life?

Bigfork has always been a part of the Flathead Valley Relay for Life. Cate Sundeen of the American Cancer Society in Missoula, and myself, are curious if the residents of Bigfork would like to have their own Relay at the High School track this summer. We could raise whatever money we can, but most of all, it would be an opportunity to remember all who have past from cancer or have survived this terrible disease. The most wonderful part of Relay for Life is at 10 p.m. when all the luminarias are lit, remembering all who have struggled with this disease.

The reason I'm writing today is to ask if their is anyone who would like to help do this, or for feedback on this. The American Cancer Society is one of the leaders in raising money for research and getting information about cancer prevention to the public. Would you please let me know what you think? Call me at 837-6721 or write to P.O. Box 1736, Bigfork.

Thank you for your time.

Susan Taylor
