Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor

| October 27, 2004 11:00 PM

Spencer Hughes is a true sportsman

I had the honor of being the "marker" for the final four boys teeing off at the Sidney Country Club on saturday October 9. These four young men from Miles City, Belgrade, Libby and your own Spencer Hughes of Whitefish proved themselves to me as being true sportsmen and gentlemen faced with a difficult 18 hole course. Through the entire 5 1/2 hours that I was with these young men I observed the finest behavior that a coach could ever ask from a team.

Congratulations to Spencer for a #4 finish and your golf team for winning another state championship.

Rob McGarvey

Sidney, Montana

Nelson is a man

of integrity

One of the most important races in the upcoming election is that of Supreme Court Justice. It is critical that we retain Justice Jim Nelson. He is a man of integrity who has the experience and intelligence to continue to serve Montanans well. Justice Nelson has a proven history of enforcing our constitutional rights, including our rights to privacy, dignity, a clean and healthful environment and the right to know and participate in government. He is not right or left, he is principled. Justice Nelson has supported the constitutional rights of students attending Christian schools as well as the right of a woman to make private medical decisions with her chosen health care provider - free from government interference. Justice Nelson authored a decision enforcing the due process rights of people with mental disabilities. He wrote the decision with such an awareness of the stigma of mental illness and such respect for the dignity of every human being that his writing tells us as much about the man as about the judge.

Representative Cindy Younkin, on the other hand, is a politician with an agenda who has demonstrated a certain disregard for the Montana Constitution. She supported an attempt to weaken the privacy provision. She was the only lawyer in the legislature to vote to give special legislative protection to now-bankrupt Northwestern Energy against its own shareholders, a move many attorneys consider flagrantly unconstitutional. Please join me in voting for Jim Nelson November 2.

Andree Larose

Helena, Montana

Educational outreach along with Anne Frank

Whitefish Theatre Co. is very proud to open its theatre season with The Diary of Anne Frank. If Anne had not died in 1945 in the Bergan-Belsen concentration camp, she would have been 75 years old this year. Ernst Schnabel wrote, "out of the millions that were silenced, this voice, no louder than a child's whisper… has outlasted the shouts of murderers and has soared above the voices of time."

WTC gratefully acknowledges The Towne Printer, Tracy Foundation, Whitefish PTA, and Soroptimist International of Whitefish for their generous contributions.

Carolyn Pitman, Executive Director

Whitefish Theatre Co.

Knocking on 2,500 doors impressive effort

I'm very impressed that Dan Weinberg has taken the trouble to go from West Glacier to Whitefish to talk with people about their issues. He has knocked on over 2,500 doors in the past four months to find out what people are concerned about so he can work for them when he is elected to the legislature. It shows real caring to make that kind of effort.

We should elect someone who has the desire to hear everyone's voice and Dan Weinberg has proven that he is that person.

Barbara Palmer

Weinberg is the

best candidate

What is this with Republican Donna Maddux wanting to allow condominiums on public lands on Spencer Mountain?

Don't forget that not too long ago our lawmakers sold off Montana Power and our electricity bills have been sent sky high because of that bad decision.

Now they want to sell our public lands to private interests. Keeping our forests public is a major contributor to our economy and our recreation. If private companies get hold of the land you can kiss it all goodbye.

I'm voting for Dan Weinberg for the state senate because he's promised to keep our public lands public.

One other thing: For a long time I have been very concerned about how big money rules our electoral process. Political Action Committee (PAC) money from big business is the driving force in politics right now. Once a politician gets elected they start paying off these favors.

I like Weinberg because he has not accepted any PAC money, which is darn near unheard of in a politician. Maybe for a change we could have someone who represented us instead of big money interests.

Nick Palmer


Nelson worthy candidate

A vote for Justice Jim Nelson is a wise choice in the Nelson/Younkin Montana Supreme Court contest. Justice Nelson was appointed to the Court by former Governor Racicot nearly ten years ago and has been elected twice since then. Nelson has been a most worthy, learned, and hardworking Justice gaining the reputation as a fair and independent thinker on the Court.

Nelson's competency follows his diverse and impressive experience. He was Glacier County Prosecutor for 17 years prosecuting crimes and representing government officials. He was also in private practice for 20 years with an active trial and general law practice.

His opponent, Ms. Younkin, who has had a rather limited practice focused on water rights, cannot compare to the experience and independence of Justice Nelson.

Please support Justice Nelson. Montana needs this independent and competent jurist to remain on the Supreme Court.

Leo W. Tracy


Weinberg will increase

business revenues

One might say that the two applicants who are vying for the job of senate representative for the Whitefish and Columbia Falls district are not very different. Both have shown a consistent record of public service; Donna Maddux primarily in the field of education, and Dan Weinberg as a facilitator between government agencies and businesses to provide much-needed community amenities.

Both are community-minded, articulate people, who are willing to take on the not-very-enviable task of solving huge public issues, such as how to boost the economy of Montana, maintain a struggling public education system, solve the health care cost problems of an increasing number of uninsured people and find ways to reduce the tax load on homeowners.

So how does one decide which candidate is best for the job? The answer is to evaluate each applicant as if they were applying to come to work for you, which, as public servants, they are.

I think both the Republican and Democratic parties would agree that the number one job facing our newly elected leaders is to increase business revenues in Montana. The healthier our economy, the easier it will be to solve tax, education and housing issues. Currently, the industry with the highest percentage of growth in Montana is the small business sector. These businesses need the support of our government to help provide start up costs, as well as health insurance. housing and educational opportunities for their workers and community services such as adequate fire and police protection.

Considering this, the choice becomes easy. Dan Weinberg is the applicant with a proven business track record. As a small business owner, he understands the special challenges facing those businesses. Having worked extensively in the social service sector, he understands the inner workings of public agencies. Most recently, he has a clear record of collaboration, working with business leaders and government agencies in getting the new Whitefish swimming complex out of the dreaming stage and into reality. He is truly the embodiment of the expression "Get 'er done."

That's the kind of employee that I want. Dan Weinberg is a good businessman who knows how to solve problems to get things done. But he's also willing to listen and learn what is the best route to our success as a community and state. I urge you to hire him as our representative in Senate District 2.

Marti Kurth


Bill Beck committed to

community service

Running for office is not easy, in fact to quote one of my favorite U.S. Presidents "it's hard" and all those willing to put their names on the ballot are to be commended. There is however, one local candidate whose qualifications and commitment to community service help him stand above the rest. This candidate is the Republican contender for House District 4, Bill Beck.

Bill's past experience in management, finance, and organizational development will serve us well in the State Legislature. In addition to Bill's extensive past professional experience, he has served our community through many organizations such as the Stumptown Historical Society, Kiwanis, Winter Carnival, and numerous others.

Bill has good ideas and strong plans to strengthen the state's economy and educational system. He will support a tax structure that holds the line on tax increases allowing our economy to grow from within while also becoming more attractive to outside businesses.

I know I will be casting my vote to elect Bill Beck this November, and I hope you will too.

Erik Garberg

Society is known by manner it

treats its less fortunate

In a civilized society we are known by the manner in which we treat our children, widows and those others in this world who are less fortunate. Why then does the President endorse such big tax cuts to the wealthiest in our nation? Too many are going to bed hungry, many with no health insurance and others with no jobs at all due to the advent of "outsourcing."

Did it make common sense to let the big drug conglomerates in effect write our new Medicare drug benefits? Fifteen million seniors will pay more for their needed medication if the Bush sanctioned bill is passed by the legislators. Insurance companies will likely make over 175 billion dollars in additional revenue. In the final analysis it is the middle class citizen who foots the bill.

President Bush opened up "Pandora's Box" when he led us into a major war under what many believe to be false pretenses. This debacle had led to much distrust and considerable hatred in this world.

Apparently the "buck" no longer stops at the top desk but is passed on to the cozy consortium of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, and others of less importance. Please mull these matters over in your mind when you tackle the ballot on November second.

Vikki Koskey


Jopek has sincere interest in

improving public education

I support Mike Jopek for election to the Montana Legislature representing House District 4 because of his sincere interest in public education. Mike is deeply committed to supporting and improving public education, Mike believes that a high quality education for our children is a constitutional right as well as the foundation of future citizenship. He will work hard to ensure that the Montana Legislature provides fair and adequate funding for public schools.

Mike is a smart, well-educated and hard working person, who will exercise good judgment and fiscal responsibility in representing the people of HD4. Please give him your support and vote for Mike Jopek on November second.

Susan Carpenter


Cofer will make excellent


This spring I was the treasurer for one of the candidates running for the Republican nomination for Flathead County Commissioner. My friend staged a remarkable campaign and developed some interesting strategies for problem resolution. However, my friend did NOT win the primary. Instead, Denise Cofer won.

In our home, political issues are discussed every day. My husband and I stay informed and involved. We may not always agree in our opinions but that is OK. This is America, after all. But we fully agree that Denise Cofer will make an excellent county commissioner.

Gary and I are both backing Denise in her election bid. Denise is a strong, intelligent, highly informed woman with strength where it matters most: character and integrity. She has a proven track record. She's also well organized and knows how and when to delegate authority. Denise recognizes problems for what they are and she's not afraid to step in and take the heat to get the right things done. She practices her faith and openly supports the principles that this country was founded upon.

Rita Hall, Eureka

Schweitzer offers only sugar plums

Yonder stands Brian Schweitzer, the Democratic candidate for the highest office in Montana. Forget for a moment that he is the feel good through unfunded sugar plums candidate. He is an honorable man and well within his rights as a private citizen to advocate as many sugar plums as he wishes. No area has been left uncovered. Health care, including drug costs, business development, resource extraction, education, and agriculture have all been addressed—all without specifics and any thought given to how to fund this largesse. After all, big government is a good thing, and the collective ability of Montanans to sustain additional taxes and confining impediment to progress is virtually limitless. Or it better be, if Brian is elected. Moreover, he is an honorable man and well within his rights as a private citizen to protect his privacy. There is no reason he should be expected to divulge his tax returns and reveal his past tax liabilities and sources of income just because his opponent, Bob Brown, has done so. I am sure his refusal does not mean he has anything to hide, except for perhaps his ability to avoid paying his fair share. He is an honorable man. As a private citizen, some would even argue there is no reason the nature and extent of Brian's business dealings should be a matter of public record. More power to Brian if he made lots of money with those relationships. And so what if he spent some of it with an out of state car dealer while touting his commitment to Montana business development? Oh well, so much for the honorable man part.

Now, let's make darn sure we keep him a private citizen—he is eminently qualified.

Don Loranger

Bigfork, MT

Brenneman supports green causes

In Democrat county commission candidate Joe Brennemen's campaign literature he says we need, "a move toward common sense growth management?"

Is it stopping a four lane highway from being built between Kalispell and Whitefish? Is it joining with outer green groups like the Montana Environmental Information Center to file lawsuits stopping new business from coming to the Flathead? Is it forming other splinter green groups to bombard the courts with lawsuits against any form of new economic activity in Flathead County? is it following his Montana Wilderness Association campaign manager, Richard Kuhl, and the no human allowed crowd?

Or does Democrat Brenneman plan to save his green friends all this trouble and manage growth by simply using the power of the county commission to say, no!

In recent years we have learned a lot more about the candidates the Democrats have run for the office of the county commission, by studying whom they support and what groups they champion, than by anything they say.

This years Democrat candidate, Joe Brenneman, is no exception.

Cindy Inabnit


Political attack ads incorrect

on Brenneman

As I run for Flathead County Commissioner, some people seem very interested in groups I have belonged to. Fair enough. But political attack ads have linked me with groups that I not only do not belong to, but have never even heard of.

Voters deserve the truth. Let me tell you about the volunteer groups that I have made any relevant contribution of time or money to. Habitat for Humanity. This group, motivated by Christian values of charity and concern for affordable housing, helps build homes for people who cannot afford their own. Worldwide, they have built over 150,000 homes. I served on the board of the local chapter, which has helped 16 families move into homes of their own.

Habitat for Humanity requires the new home owners to invest "sweat equity"- a certain number of hours of work into their homes- so they increase their feeling of ownership, and they must pay for the home with a no interest loan. The mortgage money goes to build more homes. By the way, they can always use more help.

Creston Volunteer Fire Department. My grandfather and my father helped found this volunteer fire department and I am always impressed by the dedication and skill of my fellow volunteers throughout the valley. I am a fireman and emergency medical technician. If you are unfortunate enough to have an automobile accident in the east part of the valley, I might be the EMT providing c-spine stabilization or operating the extrication tool to get you out. I hope we don't meet like that.

Former Equity Supply now CHS Farm Cooperative. Equity Supply was formed many years ago as a farmer directed Cooperative to provide for the needs of the farmers in the valley. At one time the Cooperative had a creamery, a feed store, a retail store, a feed manufacturing plant, a fertilizer plant and long, long ago even a grocery store. Equity Supply was merged with CHS about six years ago. We still supply fertilizer and animal feed, operate a repair shop, and run two retail stores as well as propane delivery with total sales for the local cooperative of about 11 million. I have served for over ten years on the board of directors that provides financial and policy oversight.

Western Dairy Farmers Promotion Association. Over twenty years ago the national dairy industry implemented a generic dairy promotion program funded by money from our own milk checks and the result nationally totals over 150 million dollars. By law, the program is to be directed by dairy farmers and I have served on that board for about six years. The "got milk?" advertising program came from that organization as well as significant and important health research for treatment of obesity and high blood pressure.

Alternative Energy Resource Organization. About three years ago I served on the board of this Helena-based group, which works for Montana family farms and ranches. My main interest and involvement was with programs promoting locally produced agriculture as well as other innovative farming ideas. In an effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil, they also support research and development of innovative energy sources, such as solar and wind power. One of the other programs they developed was a "walk your child to school program" to promote safe sidewalks, healthy exercise and family time. Governor Judy Martz took part in that program. I don't think that makes her a leftist.

Montana Dairy Association. I served for many years as director on this Helena-based organization of Montana dairy farmers. Somewhat over ten years ago we put together a state wide milk pool system that brought previously contentious farmers and processors together so that milk now moves in much more efficient ways to the benefit of all state dairy farmers as well as consumers.

These are the real organizations to which I have made any relevant contribution of time, money or effort. If you have questions about any organizations to which I have belonged please give me a call at 257-1189.

Some people in this valley like to label and discredit people. I think all elected officials should listen to and respect all their constituents, not label them. That's why I am running for Flathead County Commissioner.

Joe Brenneman


It has become a pattern in the primary for the Democrats to run their "chosen" candidate on the Republican ticket as a Republican. They then urge other Democrats to cross-over and vote for this candidate. This practice ensures a Democrat win in the general election from either the Democrat or Republican ticket.

Prior to the June Primary this year, Steve Thompson, former field representative of the Montana Wilderness Association sent out an e-mail urging left-wing cross-over vote for John Hinchey as their chosen candidate for County Commissioner. Hinchey did not win and is now treasurer of the PAC Republican's for the Flathead co-chaired by the other unsuccessful candidates Seiler and Holland. This PAC now wants you to believe the election was manipulated (since they didn't win) and are now urging Republicans to vote Democrat. Does this pass the "smell test"?

Seems to me the Republican Assembly has the right idea by interviewing candidates to make a recommendation to the public for consideration as to who is a principled, Republican candidate. It is obvious these former candidates do not represent the Republican Platform or it's beliefs.

Joyce Hollopeter



In a state as large and diverse as Montana we need our representative in Helena to be a political Jack-of-All-Trades. The Eastern Montana Farmer will have a different agenda than the downtown business owner from the Flathead. The state's strong conservation lobby needs to share the best interests of the state with the mining community and the western Montana loggers.

Our political Senators and Representatives should be people who know this state and have lived it. The diversity of peoples and the wants and needs of their geography take time to learn. Such person is Donna Maddox, She has lived Montana. She lived in the farming/ranching country near Lewistown in Eastern Montana and the logging country of Libby and now she lives in the Flathead and is Superintendent of Schools. She is a fourth generation Montanan and she has experienced the character of all our peoples across the state. On the other hand her opponent Dan Weinberg has moved himself and his trust fund to Montana a mere two years ago. How can we expect such a newcomer to formulate political coalitions to get things done when he doesn't know the people? Every few years we get some rich out of stater that thinks he can buy our votes for a political office and show these Montana bumpkins how to run a state government.

One of Weinburg's main issues is education. This is a legislative year when education will be a hot topic with a change in how to fund school. Donna Maddux has lived education, that's her job, and she knows Montana's education problems. We feel she can better represent our needs with her rich education background plus she'll work better with fellow Montanan. Donna Maddux knows our state and its people. Cast your ballot for a Montanan for Montana and send the carpetbagger packing.

Stan Watkins


Weinberg is an effective communicator

We appreciated the very good coverage of the candidates and their positions by the Whitefish Pilot.

With so much change and growth going on in our area, it is essential that we have strong, effective people representing us in Helena.

Dan Weinberg certainly qualifies as an effective communicator with good ides and the ability to convince others.

We need people like Dan Weinberg who are open to everyones input, and not owned by the special interests.

Dan is an asset to our community and would be a very effective representative of our best interests in the next legislature.

Dan Weinberg has our support for the Senate in district#2.

John and Maureen King