Friday, February 07, 2025

Letters to the editor Kootenai sign vandalism a travesty

| September 15, 2004 11:00 PM

I read with dismay about the trashing of a historical sign about the Kootenai Indians at City Beach. Shame! Deep shame on whomever did this dirty deed.

I am proud of Mr. Baur for his interest, commitment and willingness to contribute in meaningful ways to our community, his new community. In my mind, Tee Baur's actions represent the very best kinds of values that we could ever hope for from new arrivals to our town. He showed willingness to learn about this place, its history and its people. He volunteered his time and money to get this sign together. He contributed in a positive way. He honored the Kootenai people. He honored us all by giving us a way to be reminded about important aspects of this special place.

I sincerely hope that the shameful vandalism of his project will not sour him in regards to future contributions. I offer my personal support to Mr. Baur and anyone else who can help us embrace our history and our connection, through this place, to the native peoples who took care of this land so well for so long, and who still pray hard and long for its vitality.

For my friends, the proud, generous and strong Kootenai people, I say that this act of destruction does not speak for the community of Whitefish. You have known and felt the stupidity of destructive white people many, many times. The person that did this deed comes from a line of ignorance and cruelty that the rest of us are working hard to educate and heal. There is obviously much more education and healing needed. I will say prayers for this person.

Paul Coats
