Friday, January 31, 2025

From Tee to Green

| April 5, 2005 11:00 PM

League Organizational meetings

Lady's league will hold their organizational meeting on Tuesday, April 12 while the men's league planning meeting will be Thursday, April 14. Both meetings will begin at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. It is very important for team captains to be present at the meetings so that schedules may be completed. If you cannot make the meeting, please have someone represent your team. Any member may attend the meeting if they are interested in playing on a team in league. Substitutes are always needed during the league season and interested members can call the Golf Shop to sign up to sub.

WLGA Web site

The Whitefish Lake Golf Club's Web site offers you up to date information about the full operation of the club as well as special announcements. The Web site allows for anyone to sign-up or subscribe to email messages from the course. Visit your course online at The Web site is a great way to tell your friends about the Whitefish Lake Golf Course and all it's amenities. Often visiting the Web site of courses you intend to play can help you form a game plan.

Rules of the Game

Your opponent hits his tee shot from outside the teeing ground. What is the penalty? If it's match play there is no penalty, but you can require them to hit another shot. In stroke play the penalty is two shots, and the tee shot must be replayed from within the boundaries of the tee ground. Remember the tee ground extends backward two club lengths, and as long as the ball is played from inside the boundaries it's okay, even if the player is standing outside the tee area. Smart players also tee from the same side of the tee closest to potential trouble such as O.B. or water. That way you're hitting away from the potential problem and increase your chances of hitting the fairway or green. Golf Etiquette - Do not stand in the extended line of a fellow competitors putt.

New Green for Number 2 North

The artists rendering for the new green that will be built for number two North this year shows a beautiful and challenging target. Since the center of the new green will be some 70 feet south of the existing green the hole will play as a dogleg and require a tee shot to the middle or right side of the fairway to allow a direct approach shot. The shape of the new green will resemble the greens at Pinehurst Golf Course, the home of this year's U.S. Open. It will have a closely cut front and rear fringe that runs off to a collection area. The new green will be considerably larger than the old green for number two. The cart path gets relocated to the left side of the fairway and will circle around behind the new green. With new tees also being built on number two this hole will go from being one of the easier par 4's to one far more challenging.

Remember that plans are available in the Golf Shop for members to view the new improvements.

Golf Shop Open

Golf Professional Tim Olson has all his new apparel, clubs and equipment in and ready for the new season. Now would be a great time to get those new clubs, bag, clothes or other game improving equipment to out shine your playing partners.