Friday, February 07, 2025

Like minded judges don't serve justice

| April 5, 2005 11:00 PM

As President George W. Bush searches for potential judicial appointments, he should keep in mind the meaning of the words truth and justice rather than seeking to appoint like-minded judges. What good is a democracy without a just judiciary? Judges are responsible for ascertaining the truth that is vital to maintaining balance, a task which involves the ability to be completely set apart from all interests other than the complete pursuit of the truth. For a bunch of rich-kid-suit-and-tie politicians to have the right to appoint a person of such importance to a life-time term is a hilarious notion.

A better alternative: When a person chooses to become a judge, that person would then enter prejudge school. There the aspiring judge would participate and be graded upon a rigorous study of nutrition, basic health, the environment, history, political science, social science, literature, volunteer work, business, economics, mathematics, physics, biology, religion, alchemy, mysticism, yoga, as well as any and all outdoor activities.

Then the aspiring judge could apply for judge school. Wise and just elders who were former judges or professors of the judiciary would judge the applicants on all grades received prior to entering judge school, as well as by essays, articles, books written, and deeds done etc. Upon admission to judge school, the student would then study the law that is best accepted as the closest truth of the moment. Then the student would strive to bring forth an idea that somehow brings the know truth closer to the real truth that must always be sought because its infinite complexity can never be completely known. That student would then submit his or her idea for review by the conclave of judges. In this manner fresh minds bring brilliant ideas to an ever evolving truth.

The final educational step would be judge training and apprenticeship. An active judge would take a student who successfully passed judge training to be an apprentice. Upon completion of apprenticeships with multiple judges, the student would be granted his or her diploma of judgeship and could apply for a bench within the judicial system. Upon winning judgeship by obtaining the most votes cast by active judges, a judge can progress through the judicial system as far as ability permits.

Such a system would produce unbiased judges of the highest caliber who would fill the highest courts with nothing but the truth as it is best known at the time by the best and brightest who seek it. Instead the US allows rich-kids-in-suits-and-ties to control the destiny of a diseased planet.

Democracy has failed to control the free market. This is evident in the vast impact that the human race has made on this planet in the last 200 years. In this micro second in geologic time, the industrial revolution created an elite-untouchable aristocracy of little-kids-in-suits-and-ties who think its their right to profit off the ruin of the soil, the mountains of minerals, the pollution of the water and air, as well as racking up a giant debt of fake money.

Why do the other nations of the world pretend the "Novus Ordo Saeclorum" (They wrote it right on the one-dollar bill "The New Order of the Age") is worth anything? Could it be the massive military the fake money has funded? The Emperor has no clothes and its time everyone admit the wrongs of the past as crimes in the future, only then will the diseased infant that is this planet begin to heal.

A truly just judiciary would be a key ingredient for democracy to succeed in keeping the free market in check. Judges should be the leading philosophers who are steeped in all aspects of knowledge and wisdom. They should be the best and brightest as well as the humblest and most talented people so they might earn the deserving respect of the community and the country. Only when a nation is truly a democracy governed by an ever evolving truth that is infinite, can that nation claim the title Stewards of the Planet, and wage just wars, only to repress aggression and maintain peace and truth as God intended.

Cody Olszyk
