Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Use it or lose it

| December 8, 2005 11:00 PM

I have such frustration going on, I must comment to our town. Everyone has a right to an opinion, and we champion that, but it seems all the concerns that are aired have to do with "Iraq, War, DC, etc." How we, so far removed from the power nucleus, think that we really know what is the truth about such goings on, is beyond me.

I need to bring to attention a reality right under our noses that seemingly goes unnoticed. I am the manager of the Bigfork Senior Center. We have a wonderful building, lots of activities, nice clothing, a free table, and anxious to do more. We have very few folks taking part. We have recently changed our name to "Bigfork Area Social Center—We have senior discounts" to get away from the abhorrent word "senior." I have been unable to change the prevailing attitude in our little village. Please take note:

Any person of any age is welcome here, either to eat or take part in anything. You do not have to "qualify" by your age, although we do have senior discounts.

This place is not for the infirmed, poor or destitute, although we do take care of them, too.

We charge for our meals-a very reasonable amount. Senior ages do get special deals.

Our building is deeded to Flathead County. Our lease says we pay all maintenance costs. We flounder around to pay our utilities, trying new ideas to attract more attendance. I beg for new ideas, but nothing has worked so far. We have two ladies regularly attending who are 92 years old, and many in their 80s—shoot, their grandkids are almost "seniors." I cannot ask those who have done their part in the world to help scrub floors and serve food—yet they do it. What happens when one by one we lose our 80 and 90-year-olds? You may not know what you missed, but I promise you will be very sorry. So very few loyals are carrying the whole burden. Other towns are not experiencing this phenomenon.

There is a large gap of folks between retired and the 80s who should be using this place for parties, cards, dances, and socializing. We don't need one or two—we need groups of friends to try us out. You'd be surprised at the exciting recollections we share, and we are interested in what each of you can offer. Are you really more interested in "Katrina?" Please help to save this wonderful place. Fellowship is a treasure for any person at any age!

Dorothy Peterson
