Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dinner auction

| January 19, 2005 11:00 PM

Big Brothers Big Sisters select dinner and auction tickets are on sale now. Buy a ticket before Feb. 2 and be entered into a special drawing for Mark Ogle's framed Glacier Grotto. The event is scheduled for March 5 at the WestCoast Kalispell Center. For tickets or more information, call 752-0092.

Bike path meeting

The Columbia Falls City/ County Planning Board is still looking for comments on walking/bike paths for the Columbia Falls area. All concerned citizens can write to City Hall, ATTN: Bill Shaw, 130 Sixth Street West, Room A, Columbia Falls MT 59912.

Dem women

Alan Erickson, advocate for Montana veterans, will be the guest speaker at the Jan. 24 meeting of the Flathead County Democratic Women. The luncheon meeting will be held at the Outlaw Inn at noon. Erickson is a well known, outspoken activist who continues his campaign to raise public awareness to the plight of Flathead veterans. All interested parties are urged to attend. For more information, contact Pauline at 756-8992

Dean's list

Megan Koppes, of Columbia Falls, was recently named to the dean's list at Carroll College.

Speaker series

Glacier National Park Associates will commence its annual winter speaker series on Jan. 24 with Kate Kendall, research biologist and project leader for the Northern Divide Grizzly Bear Project. Kendall's talk is on "Hair raising bear research."

Jack Potter, the park's assistant chief of science and resources management, will talk about "Lessons from the past-a direction for the future" on Feb. 28.

Wildlife biologist Rick Yates will speak on "Wolverines at large in Glacier" on March 28.

Talks are given at the Central School Museum in Kalispell on Mondays at 7 p.m. The public is invited and admission is free.

Eagles steak fry

The North Valley Eagles will have its monthly steak fry at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 21. Dance to Carla and Morrie at 8 p.m. Call 892-4081 for reservations of more than six people.

Spelling bee

The Columbia Falls Junior High will have its spelling bee Feb. 1 starting at 8:45 a.m. in the gym. Winners go on to county competition.

Ostrom speaks

Author and radio personality George Ostrom will speak on "Glacier Park: Its History, Mountains, Trails, and Future" at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 30, at the Museum at Central School in Kalispell. Ostrom's talk is the first in this year's John White Lecture Series at the museum. Tickets are $8 for member and $10 for non-members.

Spiritual cinema

Indigo, a spiritual film, will be shown at the Flathead High School auditorium at 7 p.m. Jan. 29. Indigo is sponsored by the Glacier Unitarian Church and Anne Scott Markle counseling. Tickets available here at Sundrop Foods.