Friday, February 07, 2025

In the past few weeks, I have read letters stating our local judge was less than honorable and then again was very honorable. I would have to agree with the latter.

| July 14, 2005 11:00 PM

I worked in the same building with Brad Johnson for nearly 13 years. I viewed a few cases that came before the judge and always felt that Brad was more than fair with them.

He has earned a license to practice law both in Montana and Oklahoma. Judge Johnson is respected by his colleagues throughout the state and could easily practice law anywhere.

In my lifetime, I have not found a person that is more dedicated to his job or duty than Brad. I have never seen Brad cut anyone short and not hear him out. This is even true for people that change their story every other sentence.

Brad gives a person the benefit of doubt and has, in my mind, always been on the lenient side. Brad at all times thinks of the city and would never put himself or the city in jeopardy.

This man takes into consideration those people who would not be able to pay a fine, but could do a community service by working a number of hours that would off set the price of the fine.

I have been fortunate to have accompanied Brad on many hunting and fishing trips and have been honored to be one of his trusted friends.

I do not live within Whitefish City limits. When it comes time to vote this election, I cannot vote for Mr. Johnson. For those of you that can vote, please take the time to vote and vote for Judge Bradley Johnson. This man would like your vote and will live up to your expectations. Say yes for Johnson one more time.

Jerry Quinn
