Friday, February 07, 2025

Menagerie a bad deal

| June 8, 2005 11:00 PM

The proposed Wildlife Animal Adventures roadside menagerie is a bad deal for area residents and for the animals.

If approved, lions, tigers, bears and other wild animals would be housed and exhibited in a residential neighborhood near Ferndale and taken periodically to Kalispell to be photographed.

However, the proposal does not comprehensively address the potential risks and public costs of the menagerie. It's common sense that increasing public exposure to these wild and dangerous animals by increasing public displays and travel will increase the risk of escapes, attacks and injuries. Travel can be especially harmful and stressful to the animals, which may make them more aggressive.

What would happen if a weather disaster or hazardous materials spill required evacuation? Where would these animals go? As a first responder when lions escaped from a roadside menagerie and terrorized an Idaho town for 13 days, I know we have to expect the unexpected.

The proposal would prohibit breeding of the bears but not the other animals. No legitimate animal rescue operation would breed these animals and contribute to an already overpopulated captive exotic animal problem.

This permit process should be summarily denied.

David Pauli, director, Northern Rockies Regional Office, The Humane Society of the United States