Thursday, February 27, 2025

Eagle Transit: Use it or lose it

| May 5, 2005 11:00 PM

Attempts are being made to increase Eagle Transit bus services in Columbia Falls, Hungry Horse, Martin City and Canyon areas. There are fears that "use it, or lose it," may develop if more riders do not take advantage of the service.

Columbia Falls has daily Monday through Friday transportation. Services to and from Hungry Horse, Martin City and Coram are available Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Two round trips are provided first and third Tuesdays of each month to/from Kalispell, Columbia Falls and the Canyon mornings and afternoons.

It's recommended that 24-hour advance reservations be made by calling 758-5728.

Bus stops are listed for Mountain View Court, Columbia Arms Apartments, Smith's Foods, Super 1 Foods, Columbia Falls Post Office and North Valley Senior Center.

Cost is minimal, with only $1 fee in town for the general public. Seniors ride the bus by donation, and there's a discount for disabled (with certification) riders.

Country or intercity usage fees are $3 for the general public with same donation basis for seniors and discounts for disabled users. There's a five-mile radius for rural Columbia Falls areas. Bus passes are available from the bus driver or the Eagle Transit office.

Cheryl Talley, program manager for Eagle Transit, emphasized that persons using the bus are to telephone one day in advance for their reservations.

It's suggested that three days notice be given for passengers with appointments. Eagle Transit ride arrangements are available by dialing 758-5728.

Talley succeeded Deanne Thielman as manager three months ago. She previously worked for Plum Creek in Columbia Falls and Pablo.

Eagle Transit committee members are Carol Pike, Columbia Falls, representative of community organizations; Rebecca Shaw, Big Mountain snow bus; Donna Maddux, county superintendent of schools; Cindee Apesy, Immanuel Lutheran Home; Deborah Wilson, Brendan House; Steve Larson, Flathead Valley Community College; and Mac Rugheimer, rider, Kalispell.

Eagle Transit buses are funded in part under an agreement with the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Older Americans Act, Federal Transit Act, cities of Columbia Falls, Whitefish and Kalispell, Church Women United of Columbia Falls, North Valley Hospital, United Way, fares and contributions.

Bus schedules are available at North Valley Senior Center, 205 Nucleus in Columbia Falls, and at the Agency on Aging in Kalispell.

Gladys Shay is a longtime resident and columnist for the Hungry Horse News.