Friday, February 07, 2025

Improper dismissal

| May 11, 2005 11:00 PM

We would like to call attention to a disheartening situation currently taking place in our high school.

At the start of this year, we were fortunate enough to receive yet another inspiring, well qualified Journal-ism teacher, Dawn Schmit.

Throughout the school year we have all grown to appreciate her presence, constant support and positive involvement in our everyday lives. Many of us have been able to turn to Ms. Schmit regarding academic and personal matters.

Her open-mindedness and constant efforts to stimulate intellect truly embody the spirit of education that we feel is lacking in other areas of our school.

We are free to discuss real-life issues and choose our stances accordingly. It is truly refreshing to be treated like human beings instead of juvenile delinquents. Ms. Schmit does not pass judgment and never hesitates to support even students who others have labeled "bottom feeders."

Not only has she proven herself as an effective journalism instructor, but also her sophomore English instruction is equally impressive.

Unlike some, we have been present during her English classes and have a basis for our opinions.

Unfortunately, recent events have led to the possible termination of Ms. Schmit's teaching contract.

Why? What is the basis for this jolting turn of events? She simply "does not fit in."

Apparently strong, independent women who think outside the box are not welcome in our community.

They are shunned and labeled as "outsiders."

Discriminatory decisions of this nature are contrary to employment policies in general. These decisions should not be left up to just one authority and they should never involve such details as personal disagreements. If a teacher does her job and does it well there should be no reason for the termination of the contract.

It is obvious to us, as well as many others, Dawn Schmit stands true to the mission statement clearly outlined in the Bigfork High School Handbook.

Ms. Schmit is "committed to having high expectations for all students by maintaining a safe, nurturing environment that promotes success, learning as a lifelong process, responsibility and respect for one another."


Bigfork High School Norse Code Staff:

Brooke Andrus

Beth Bermel

Rebecca Buffington

Morgan Cawdrey

Hermina Harold

Amy Kuhn

Kristin Kuhn

Tiffany Mahan

Trisha Smith