Friday, February 07, 2025

Plevel wins write-in seat on city council

| November 9, 2005 11:00 PM

As it turned out, there was a mini-race of sorts in the Columbia Falls City election. Councilwoman Julie Plevel ran as a write-in and folks wrote in other candidates against her. Plevel won with 23 votes. Allen Solenberg had six votes, Dick Skees one, Mary Ellen Getts, five, Barbara Proctor, one, Don Barnhart, one, Crystal Marie Huetcher, one. It wasn't clear if Plevel would run as a write-in. She was just recently appointed to council to fill a spot left vacant by Tad Rosenberry, who resigned.

Plevel's is a two-year term. In uncontested races, Jolie Fish got 153 votes for mayor, Harvey Reikofski, 141, council, Michael Shepard and Charlie McCubbins, 148, council and Doug Karper, 162 votes.

Karper and Plevel's seats are two-year terms. The remainder are four-year terms.