Friday, February 07, 2025

Music to my ears

| November 10, 2005 11:00 PM

Tuesday evening we had the privilege of attending the High School Choir program at Community Methodist Church. What a treat!

Michael Perez was terrific as conductor and obviously really appreciated by his students. He has molded a large group into a beautiful choir.

The parents, as well, had to be so proud of their kids. The selections required many hours of practice and all involved must be commended for the commitment to an early morning class and the desire for excellence.

Bigfork High School has been so fortunate to have Nan Klassen, who has accompanied the choir every morning (at 7 a.m.).

She has volunteered her services for many years because she believes strongly in a strong music program and so willingly has helped it succeed.

Peggy Kellerman also is accompanying this year. How fortunate we all are to have such talent in our midst. Kudos to all!

Stan and Beverly Fisher
