Monday, June 17, 2024

Harriers Donovan and Mallams make All State

| October 27, 2005 11:00 PM

The Whitefish cross-country teams headed to Missoula with hopes of earning high team-finishes at the state championships. Last season's 17th placing was not the type of finish that you could talk much about.

The boys were first to compete. As they headed off from the starting line, it was hard to tell if the race plan of getting out quicker was working, said Coach Bill Brist. The gradual up hill of the first mile and the super fast start of the rest of the field pretty much threw out any idea of getting out with the leaders.

"This led to a Plan B — catch as many as you can when they fade off the fast pace," Brist said.

Ian Mallams led the Bulldogs as he worked his way up into the top 13. The bonus of finishing in the top 15 was becoming an All State Team selection.

Drew Coco wasn't very far behind, as he finished in 16:45. His 16th place was fantastic for a freshman, even if it fell just one place and two seconds shy of the All State Team. His time was the fastest recorded by a freshman in any of the four classes during the championship meet.

Erik Anderson looked to finally shake off the worst part of an ankle injury he suffered about three weeks back, as he finished as the number three runner in 17:41. Blake Bjornson and Jacob Fern rounded out the scoring for the Whitefish team, which finished eighth with 211 points.

"The fact that all seven runners return for next season adds even more excitement for next year," Brist said. "This team has really proved themselves. Every team in front of them today is a very good team. I'm very happy with eighth place."

The girls were anxious to get their opportunity to race. Once the gun went off, it became automatic.

"They started off way back in the field, which has become a tradition for the group," Brist said. "I like to see every one of our runners to compete in the last mile. A more conservative first mile allows them a better chance for that. Of course that also scares me terribly for the first two miles, until they go flying by all the runners during the final mile."

That's exactly what freshman Beth Donovan did. She moved from about 40th place to ninth in the second half of the race, flying by last year's defending champion in the last 50 meters of the race, finishing ninth overall in 19:35 to earn All State honors.

Clare Miller also had a fantastic race, taking 25th place in 20:47. Last season, Miller finished in 81st place at the state meet.

"This is the kind of improvement I'd like to think we can see from our entire team for next year, provided we can have a bit more luck with the injury factor," Brist said.

After making it through the entire season last year without a major injury, the Lady Bulldogs ran into a bit of bad luck this season. The number-three finisher, at the state meet, Anne Danczyk (43rd in 21:30) had been fighting knee problems the past three weeks, their number-four runner, Janna Rozar (49th in 21:36), was slowed through the entire off-season with a sore hip, and their number-five runner, Lauren Kuennen, was forced from the race with a flare-up of a hip flexor muscle at the halfway point during the race.

"If it wasn't for Band-Aids and Scotch tape, I'm not sure where we'd be this season," Brist said. "If you asked me at the end of the season whether I'd take skill or luck, I'd take luck every time."

Despite their problems, the Lady Bulldogs still managed to finish in fifth place, only eight points behind number four. As with the boys team, all seven runners on the state team return for next season, and all are excited about going after that state trophy again.

Besides Donovan, other freshman runners include Natalie Kearns, Megan Shaver and Carly Hendrix.

"One of the nice things about the sport of cross country is that young runners can contribute to the success of the entire program," Brist said. "This year's boys and girls teams accomplished quite a bit of success. I think they liked how it felt to be one of the top teams at the meets near the end of the season."

Girls results — Whitefish, fifth out of 19 teams with 199 points; 9, Beth Donovan, 19:35, All State Team; 25, Clare Miller, 20:47; 43, Anne Danczyk, 21:30; 49, Janna Rozar, 21:36; 73, Cassie Schell, 22:21; 76, Loie Russell-Templeton, 22:24.

Boys results — eighth out of 19 teams with 211 points; 13, Ian Mallams, 16:37, All State Team; 16, Drew Coco, 16:45; 52, Erik Anderson, 17:41; 57, Blake Bjornson, 17:51; 73, Jacob Fern, 18:09; 78, Kallen Bodily, 18:14; 90, Joseph Alexander, 18:39.