Friday, February 07, 2025

In support of Toole

| April 5, 2006 11:00 PM

Six candidates filed for Public Service Commission District 5, but one stands out clearly above all others. Ken Toole has consistently fought the scourge of deregulation foisted upon the people of Montana by a Republican legislature and governor.

Two of the five Republicans that filed for this office were in the legislature in 1997 when the bill passed, Mike Taylor and Steve Vick. Taylor was a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 390 and voted for it on second reading in the senate. Vick was in the house and voted for it consistently.

By 1998, many people realized the folly of this deceptive piece of legislation. Legislators were polled twice to convene a special session to repair the damage. Taylor and Vick voted against a special session both times.

Republicans clearly supported this industry-sponsored legislation, fought a special session, and Montanans are now paying through higher utility rates.

Sen. Toole has consistently fought for Montana consumers. His knowledge of utilities and diversified energy sources would serve Montana well. Tom Schneider has done an excellent job in this seat. We need a good, strong person to fill this position. Ken Toole is that person.

Paul Edwards
