Friday, January 31, 2025

Working together

| April 5, 2006 11:00 PM

We of Senate District 5, like the rest of Montana, will be making decisions over the next several years that will determine the Montana our children and grandchildren will inherit. Citizens and legislators will determine if future generations are able to live and work in a Montana as special as the Montana we currently enjoy. Throughout this process, we must keep in mind that we will be judged by what we leave for those who follow us.

I have worked for 25 years in our district to promote economic development that is compatible with our quality of life. My long held view is that Flathead Lake, Glacier Park, Big Mountain, Blacktail, the Bob Marshall, and our many other natural treasures are the magnets that attract small business people, the backbone of our economy.

I gained valuable experience during my 25 years of involvement in our community as both a "main street" small business owner and as a community volunteer. From promoting economic growth while serving on the Montana Ambassadors, to providing good water quality while working with folks from the Flathead Lakers, my involvements and solutions speak for themselves, and they speak about my ability of striving for sensible, non-partisan solutions. Both Republican and Democratic community leaders have pledged their support for my campaign because they are familiar with my proven track record of working towards solid solutions, and of working diligently, both with people with whom I disagree as well as those with whom I agree.

When we, as Montanans, are developing policy, each one of us must be able to come to the table with an open mind. We must be willing to listen to our neighbor, no matter how much we may disagree with their positions. We must be able to look directly into our neighbor's eyes, speak honestly, and be willing to work together for sensible and practical solutions.

During the past few months I have spoken with hundreds of people in our district, including small business owners, educators, and parents. Everyone I have spoken with is very passionate about and thankful for where we live. As your future senator, I look forward to being of even more service to our community and to bringing my experience of working for sensible, productive solutions to Helena.

Please e-mail, write, or call me. I would be more than happy to talk with you, and your friends and family.

Ric Smith

SD 5 candidate

Finley Point