Friday, January 31, 2025

Christmas cards sought for Ole

| December 14, 2006 11:00 PM

Merle "Ole" Beller, who returned this summer to Whitefish, where he was born and raised and still has family and friends, has since been residing in the French Prairie Nursing Center in Woodburn, Ore., where he and his mate, Judi Slack, resided prior to his need for care in the nursing center.

"Ole" has very fond remembrances of his vacation/reunion in Whitefish and would very much like to have and benefit from receiving Christmas cards and get-well cards. Please send them c/o Judi Slack, 1060 Astor Way, Woodburn OR 97071 Attn: Ole Beller.

Judi and Ole would again like to thank everyone in Whitefish who has been supporting her and Ole during this trying time and those who have responded directly with her.

"Ole" is 88 years old and still has a great sense of humor despite his illnesses. He is sending his holiday cheer to all in Whitefish, and if someone could send "snowy" photos to him, he would be very appreciative.

He wishes all of you in Whitefish a happy holiday season.

Judi Slack

Woodburn, Ore.