Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A grad night to remember

| June 7, 2006 11:00 PM

On behalf of the Whitefish High School Class of 2006, a huge thank you to our community, including Whitefish, Kalispell and Columbia Falls, your generosity was overwhelming.

Because of you and your kindness, these new alumni had a night to remember at The Wave on June 3. The all-night senior party was an evening they will not soon forget.

A total of 136 business owners and private citizens donated $15,825 towards making the evening a success. Following right behind were 97 businesses that donated items, which rounded out the prize amount to over $32,000.

Your names are simply too numerous to write here, but trust me, you are all in the book. It was an amazing feeling to be there to observe such an event that could not have been possible without your help.

To the 134 volunteers who responded to this call, thanks. It really did not matter if you gave five minutes or more than five months of your time, your contribution counted and it added up to a huge success.

To Gene and Teri Hill, you made one young woman very, very happy in the wee hours of June 4. It was such a pleasure to bear witness to such a special moment, which she may or may not ever experience again in her life. Thank you for your beautiful car that we will all enjoy watching tool around the streets of Whitefish.

To my cohorts on this mission, it brings a tear to my eye when I think of each of you and how your special gifts were so graciously given to make this party what it was.

Barb, my financial guru, the numbers speak for themselves.

Paula, your KISS idea was brilliant and you were right, they did not starve.

M. J., for a first timer, Baccalaureate will be an evening we will all remember, a great job.

Mac, your humor and love radiated through the building; I am still looking for that student who took the picture of you.

Mike, you stepped up to the plate not knowing what to do or how to do it, but you made it look like you could be a pit boss in Vegas, the kids loved it.

Shelle, my special doll baby, you kept me smiling for the entire six months. We all felt your gift of communicating.

Sherry, you hit it out of the park. You kept me sane as you kept me and this party in your prayers. Sue, get an e-mail address and save me some phone calls. You were always there at a moment's notice, with a smile on your face and another great idea, most of which we used.

Finally to Kathy — Chet you can have you back now, thank you for being the ying to my yang. Thank you for understanding me when I didn't understand myself. Thank you for answering my sentences when I lost track of where I was going. Thank you for being the wonderful woman you are and giving such a big part of yourself to making June 3 an extraordinary evening.

Terri Fennessy

Chairperson, Class of 200