Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Vision for a better future

| March 1, 2006 11:00 PM

Primary political campaigns in the Flathead have traditionally concentrated on issues and avoided personal attacks. Unfortunately, Don Loranger, who is my Republican opponent for Montana Senate District 5, is a Johnny-come-lately to Flathead Valley politics and seems oblivious to our tradition. In a recent letter, published in local newspapers, it was apparent that he learned his negative political tactics in Washington, D. C., and not in Montana. In that letter concerning the "adjudication of water rights," he specifically accuses me and generally all legislators of creating the "mess of water rights fees." He completely ignores the fact that the bills sent out on water rights were under the complete control of the Democrat legislature and bureaucracy. His deceitful diatribe is not only an offense to me but also to the many Republican legislators who have worked with great diligence to protect the water/property rights of all Montanans. During the last Special Legislative Session, I and my Republican colleagues attempted to pass a bill which would have paid the cost of water rights adjudication. The Democrat-controlled Legislature slammed the door on this bill. If elected, I will sponsor similar legislation to solve this problem.

For seven years, I have served the people of the Flathead Valley as a member of the Montana House of Representatives. My positions on the issues have been clear: Efficient government, security of property/water rights, protection of agriculture, access to public lands, management of forests, enhanced education for our children and lower taxes to leave more money in your pocket.

After reading my opponent's letter with great care, I do not find a single word that states my opponent's position on any issue—only negative attacks. He selectively misused words, which I have spoken and written. My public pronouncements regarding the "water rights adjudication" issue have had one purpose: To accurately and properly inform Montana citizens so that they can successfully protect their valuable water rights. "Good governance," requires that candidates present themselves in a positive and honest manner. They must have a vision and a thorough understanding of the issues. If my opponent, who didn't bother to register to vote in Montana until last October, has some plan for improving the debacle created by State government, let him put it on the table. Personal attacks using out of context quotes, misrepresentations and insinuations are surely not the solution. His only plan seems to be "do better in the future," and "do no harm."

I have a legislative record upon which to build for that better future and I have a vision based on years of experience. Deceptive mud slinging will do harm to everyone and is most certainly out of character with Montana.

Verdell Jackson

Republican Candidate for Montana Senate District 5