Friday, January 31, 2025

No to mosquito levy

| May 25, 2006 11:00 PM

I'm writing about the proposed property tax increase, to be voted on at the June 6th election, which would authorize up to $330,000 to be used to try to control mosquitoes in Flathead County. Currently, the county spends about $10,000 to kill or retard the growth of mosquito larva in standing water areas in parts of Kalispell, Evergreen, and Somers. The county has some devices which are available for public use to trap mosquitoes, and they also provide information on how to avoid mosquitoes in your personal life.

Unlike parts of the country, such as Minnesota were mosquitoes are active for months, western Montana has about two weeks of nuisance mosquitoes in the late spring. This request for new taxes is based on the false notion that the West Nile virus poses a threat to human health, when in fact there is no evidence to indicate that West Nile is a threat in western Montana. The real threat to human health would be the exposure to harmful pesticides, if a large scale control program were implemented by our government.

I am a member of the Flathead County Mosquito Control District, and I oppose the request for higher taxes. I believe that if the levy is passed, and as new members are added to the control board, and county commissioners are replaced, it is only a matter of time until the aerial application of pesticides are released on Flathead County, along with growth regulators. Perhaps even new "designer" pesticides will be released, which will reduce the status of our citizens to that of a guinea pig, in regards to their personal health. There is no such thing as a safe pesticide or herbicide. Mosquitoes simply do not pose a health threat in Flathead County. In order to solve any problem, people must first take personal responsibility. In the case of nuisance mosquitoes, make sure that the screens on your windows and doors are in good shape. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, so dress appropriately and use an effective repellent. Song birds and bats eat vast amounts of insects, so encourage their presence. Devices are available that can trap and repel mosquitoes near your home.

Before you vote for any new tax to be administered by a new level of government bureaucracy, think for yourself, take personal responsibility and tell your friends to vote "No" on the mosquito control levy at the June 6th primary election. Don't pay to be poisoned by our government.

McGregor Rhodes

Flathead County Mosquito Control Board member
