Friday, January 31, 2025

Jackson defends record

| November 1, 2006 11:00 PM

As the Republican candidate for Senate District #5, I anticipated a tough campaign. There are many issues upon which my opponent and I legitimately disagree. I had even expected distortions of my record. As a four-term member of Montana's House of Representatives, I was involved in many votes. Some of these, naturally, could be taken out of context and therefore misconstrued. However, I did not expect that my opponent, Ric Smith, would publish bald faced lies misrepresenting my record. He recently sent out a mailer regarding access to Montana's public lands and waters. It is modeled after mailers sent out by Montana Conservation Voters, a radical environmental group. This flyer is so filled with outright lies that I felt it necessary to set the record straight.

Examine my record and you will find that I have been a strong advocate for the Montana men and women who enjoy outdoor recreation. I have received a score of 100 percent from Montanans for Multiple Use and I am endorsed by Montana sportsmen's groups such as the Montana Shooting Sports Association. I am also endorsed by the National Rifle Association, of which I am a Life Member.

Smith, on the other hand, has received endorsements from road closing environmentalists. I also received the endorsement of The Northwest Montana Association of Realtors, of which Smith is a member. Smith is such a divisive individual that his own peers refused to support him because of his environmentalist position restricting individual water rights.

Another of Smith's claims is that as a small business owner who will work to improve conditions for business in Montana. Why then did the National Federation of Independent Businesses endorse me and say that I am the candidate who will make health care more affordable, reduce burdensome regulations on small business and insure the state budget is not balanced on the backs of tax payers.

You may visit my Web site at See for yourself who really represents the Montanans who enjoy outdoor recreation without the left hand of big brother on their shoulder. As an outdoorsman who enjoys the natural wonders of Montana, I ask for your vote on November 7 so that I may continue to protect your rights and freedom.

Verdell Jackson

Candidate for Senate District 5