Tuesday, February 25, 2025

What next?

| November 1, 2006 11:00 PM

One wonders what the next October surprise will be in this year's senate race that hasn't already been made up and thrown against the barnyard door to see what will stick.

The International Association of Firefighters (Tester's mouthpiece) recently threw up the gauntlet attacking Senator Burns for his lack of support for 9-11 and telecommunications. Telling the truth would seem to be less effective, as this is the exact opposite of his record.

Tester chides Senator Burns for supposedly supporting 23 percent national sales tax in a questionnaire. Maybe the $60 million in new fees to Montanans from Testers' 2005 legislative session was more than Tester wants to take credit for.

One year ago the Montana Democratic Party hired a young political operative whose resume included several of the dirtiest, mud-slinging national campaigns in recent history. His self-acknowledged purpose was to destroy Burns so any Democrat could win the seat. Dedicating himself to a profession of personal destruction, unfortunately for Montana, this young man is good at what he does.

Fact in point is Tester's made-up attack on Senator Burn's lack of support for veterans. A sham to say the least and every vet knows it, although pulling the rug over one unsuspecting voter must count as a victory.

If anyone believes that Tester won't march to the beat of National Democrats like Schumer, Pelosi, and Reid (who have already stated that all Democrats "will tow the line") then all you have to do is look at the attempt at the personal destruction of Senator Burns and Tester's quiet acquiesance towards it.

Coming from the National Party you expect it, coming from Montana Tester should not embrace these tactics. Either way Montana loses without Senator Burns.

Dale Williams
