Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tester's abortion stance

| October 11, 2006 11:00 PM

Jon Tester says he'd like abortions to be "Fewer" and "Rare." But he's aligned with Planned Parenthood whose abortion to adoption ratio is 180 to 1 (99.5% Abortions); and whose abortion to birth ratio is 14 to 1 (93% Abortions).

And Tester is endorsed by NARLA (National Abortion Rights Association) which, like Planned Parenthood, aggressively supports Abortion on Demand and Partial Birth Abortion and strongly opposes Parental Notification and Abstinence Only. [See:].

PPA and NARLA are clearly about more abortions not "fewer"; and making abortion more common not "rare." If Tester's sincere about fostering "fewer" abortions why hasn't he aligned himself with AdoptHelp, an organization dedicated to preventing abortions instead of NARLA whose sole mission is promoting abortions?

Tester previously boasted of his 100% Pro-Abortion Voting Record. But he now refuses to even admit his pro-abortion stance on his Senate Campaign Web site. Why? Tester accuses his opposition of presenting "lying campaign ads" but he's clearly the one who's both twisting and evading the truth.

Tester rails against "Washington Special Interests" but doesn't the Big Abortion Lobby have him entirely "bought and paid for?" And which is more tainted - Jack Abramoff's campaign money or NARLA's "blood money?" Tester charges Conrad Burns with a "Culture of Corruption." But what about his own involvement in a "Culture of Death?" And Tester decries "Saddling our Children with Debt." But what about Saddling Our Children with Death?

Apparently, these are the "Montana Values" that Tester promises to promote! In his campaign pictures Tester is shown standing in vibrant Wheat Fields amidst a Golden Harvest. But hasn't he also chosen to stand firmly in Abortion's Killing Fields amidst a Scarlet Harvest of the unborn?

Dave Hadly
