Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Jackson is a statesman

| October 18, 2006 11:00 PM

Like all elections in these chaotic times, the upcoming election will have critical outcomes for Montana. It is imperative that the voters make their choice based on an accurate perception of the capabilities and intentions of the candidates. Too many over eager candidates take a short cut to public office by attacking the character and distorting the views of their opponent. While attacking their opponents, these deceitful candidates almost always attempt to avoid public scrutiny by saying as little as possible about their own views and intentions and that only in very general, politically correct language.

Sad to say, Ric Smith is one of these.

Smith repeatedly claims on his website that his "commitment is to the people of SD 5" and that is why he does not accept "… political party or special interest money…" Sounds good. But it's not true. According to the latest information on www.followthemoney.org, Smith did receive $890 (10.5%) from real estate interests and $650 (7.7%) from Democratic Party officials. There is nothing really wrong with this except for his hypocritical attack on Verdell Jackson's campaign finances and the fact that he did not tell the truth about his own campaign finances on his website.

But it really gets interesting when we learn that Smith got $4397.00 (54.3%) from out of state donors. So much for Smith's commitment "…to the people of SD5…" On his webpage with more current information, Smith admits to even more out of state money.

Based on a single vote on a minor bill, Ric Smith makes the outrageous charge that Verdell Jackson is against public access to public lands. I am a board member of Montanans For Multiple Use. MFMU is all about public access. There is no legislator in the state of Montana who has done more to protect and restore public access to our public lands than Verdell Jackson. He organized and conducted a public forum that brought local legislators and the public together to provide balanced input for revision of the Flathead National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. More than 125 members of the public and the forest service participated in the forum during several sessions. One of the outcomes of that forum was a clear and almost unanimous call for more access.

On the other hand Smith is a member and former official with environmental groups that want to restrict public access. Montana Conservation Voters, the political arm of Montana environmentalists has endorsed Smith. Smith's claim that he is for public access and Jackson is against it turns the truth on its head.

Verdell Jackson is a statesman who will continue to work for the good of Montanans. Ric Smith is a wanna-be politician who will work only to get himself elected.

Please do us all a favor and vote for Verdell Jackson on November 7.

Gary E Hall
