Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Questions about Bill Jones

| October 18, 2006 11:00 PM

Recently I received some campaign literature from Dr. Bill Jones, a dentist practicing in Kalispell. Dr. Jones is running for HD #9. It has been interesting to observe the political maneuvering in which Dr. Jones was involved, first filing for HD#8, but later filing for HD#9. Who is Dr. Bill Jones? Is he a member of the Westside-Kalispell Community or is he a member of the Creston-Bigfork Community.

There are other questions. Dr. Jones says "the family is best protected by the Ten Commandments and Judeo-Christian values". How can these values protect families when a parent has lost a job, unable to continue house payments, and unable to afford health care? How can these values put food on the table of elderly who are on fixed incomes?

Dr. Jones' proposed House Bill # 221 raises more questions. This bill will "limit owner occupied dwelling taxable valuation for age 65 and older. Isn't increased property taxes for long time Montana residents, who find themselves living next to a new large home, the real problem? Would a "means test" for 65 plus make more sense? Would those 65 plus, who are facing rent increases, receive benefits?

We need Edd Blackler, Bigfork, to represent us in Helena. Edd knows which district he lives in. He has been participating in community traditions and growth challenges for years. He truly cares about making a better community in which to live. Edd knows what it is like to be employed without health benefits. He can relate to families, young and old, trying to stay out of debt while covering day to day expenses. Edd is ready to serve the people of HD#9, not a backroom group that engages in political maneuvering. Vote for Edd Blackler Nov. 7.

JoLynn Yenne
