Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Steering Committee column

| October 18, 2006 11:00 PM

I must take umbrage with your editorial letter of 10/12/06 regarding the Bigfork Steering Committee (BSC.)

You don't seem to know the history, or the methodology of BSC. Rather than inform your readers, your letter invites division, and fails to inspire appreciation for the many hours of personal time BSC members have spent on behalf of Bigfork's future.

You write that there were only 22 people present to "ratify" the Bigfork Neighborhood Plan. Apparently you don't understand that the vote was only to approve the final draft before it's presentation to the community at large for input.

BSC has been meticulous in it's attempts to take the pulse of the community at every step, in order to be sure this plan does indeed reflect the majority view. A great deal of time and money has been spent taking surveys. Public meetings have been held at night at which BSC's progress had been explained. Audience feedback was taken, and incorporated.

BSC is the voice of the people of Bigfork, in so far as they wish to be heard.

You criticize the members of BSC for holding meetings during the day. Some members come from their jobs, despite the sacrifice. Perhaps you aren't aware of how few people turn out to the many evening meetings BSC has held. Drawing citizens to public service meetings is a problem everywhere. In spite of this, Bigfork has a county wide reputation for being, far and away, the most successful in soliciting public feedback.

As for who is, and who isn't, on the BSC committee, if the people who serve weren't willing to take on the monumental job of

creating a neighborhood plan of this scale, who would? It's not exactly where most people want to, or will, commit their time;.

Singling our Brett Thuma and Al Johnson for their suggested addendum to the plan is uncalled for. They are two of the hardest working and most creative thinkers on the committee. By vote of the majority, as in every democratic process, ideas are included or rejected. Everyone, whether a member of BSC, or a citizen who drops in, is free to contribute ideas.

BSC is not a closed club. Anyone who wishes to participate in BSC's work is welcome. Their contributions will be much appreciated.

Sally Janover


Editor's note: According to the official minutes posted on the BSC Web site, Elna Darrow moved to ratify the draft and forward it to BLUAC for consideration and public meetings. Craig Wagner seconded the motion.