Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Generous folks

| October 25, 2006 11:00 PM

On Oct. 19, I had the privilege of helping run a fund-raiser for a friend recently diagnosed with a cancer. When I first conceived of the fund-raiser, I thought how important it would be to invite the incredibly generous "Who's Who" of Whitefish, so I began making calls.

Within the first week, people were seeking out our organizing committee and overwhelming us with auction items. Many of these items were donated and bid upon, as John Dunnigan so eloquently stated from the "Subaru driving population of the Fish."

I was humbled that members of a community who are so regularly called upon to support each other would jump at the chance to do it all again. And I was empowered by the fact that it truly was all parts of our community that made this fund-raiser such a success.

Many large contributions were received for which we are incredibly grateful, but it was not any one particular donor who allowed us to far surpass our goal. It was the multitude of $20 contributions and a plethora of goods and services community members contributed.

What I hope to convey is this: When someone you know is in need, don't be concerned that your gift is not enough. Your donation, whether it be monetary, time or talent, does make a difference.

Thank you to all who organized, contributed and attended the Lia Moon fund-raiser. Your efforts have turned Lia's cancer from something overwhelming into a tremendous statement of love and support. What a gift you have given her. You should all be proud of yourselves.

Linda Costain
