Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Smith will keep Montana on course

| October 25, 2006 11:00 PM

Twelve years ago, then U.S. Representative Newt Gingrich, was able to return the Republicans to power under his "Contract With America," promising to restore high ethics standards. It was high time. In a single decade though, the Congress has created a "Congressional/Lobbying Complex."

What I see happening these days is MONEY leading the way to earmarks and votes, with horrifying budget deficits and disreputable legislation as the result. In short, I see a total loss of the moral right to lead. And I don't for a minute believe this situation is confined to the national level.

I believe the notion of putting the citizen to the distant rear of the lobbyists and political parties has become so pervasive it's nothing short of a cancer in our American culture. It's got to be removed, and a way to do that is to vote for the individual(s) whose idea of public service is "responsibility of office".

In the State Senate District 5 race, we have one candidate who is such a man: Ric Smith, a standout amongst the crowd. Ric believes that service to our State requires a person to set aside one's ego, to be ever-mindful of personal liberties and constitutional rights, and above all to be able to bring disparate groups together to arrive at strong solutions.

Ric is a genuine do-er, with a track record of 25 years of public service. In short, Ric Smith is an individual whose integrity and ability to get things done will keep Montana on a reasonable course.

I fully support Ric Smith because I know he is a true public servant.


George Taylor
