Friday, January 31, 2025

Debate challenge

| September 20, 2006 11:00 PM

hThe people of Senate District 5 will be voting shortly to elect their senator. I have done my best to meet as many of you as possible. I and my campaign team have knocked on thousands of doors, attended countless events and have had many great community meetings.

I believe we are at a crossroads in Senate District 5, and you have a clear choice about who best represents and shares your values and beliefs. I am confident if you take the time to look at both candidates, you will agree that I am the best person to be your senator.

In order to give the community a chance to know the candidates' positions and values, I challenge my opponent, Verdell Jackson, to a series of five debates held throughout the district. This way, each voter will have the opportunity to meet and hear both candidates in an open, unscripted manner. Voters in Senate District 5 deserve it.

We have serious challenges and big opportunities before us, and it is time for a serious debate of the issues.

We propose the following format for the debates:

Each candidate will have a three minute opening statement and a three minute closing statement. There will be a mutually agreed upon moderator.

Part One - Questions from the Audience (30 minutes)

? Members in the audience will have the opportunity to submit a question.

? A candidate representative will alternate selecting questions which will be given to the moderator to ask the candidates.

? Candidates will respond alternatively.

Part Two - Questions to each other (30 minutes)

? Each candidate will then be allowed to ask his opponent questions

? The candidate responding has two minutes to respond. The candidate asking will have one minute to respond.

We propose the following dates and locations:

Oct 5 Bigfork- Flathead Lake Lodge

Oct 11 Kalispell- TBD

Oct 16 Swan Lake- Town Hall

Oct 20 Finley Point-Montecito Club

Oct 25 Lakeside/Somers TBD

I have lived here 25 years, and I have come to know the people well. The voters want and absolutely deserve the opportunity to make an informed vote for their next senator. I believe when the voters hear each candidate, they will see that I share their values and beliefs.

I have sent a copy of this letter directly to my opponent and look forward to his response and the debates.

Ric Smith