Friday, January 31, 2025

Support for Tester

| September 27, 2006 11:00 PM

In his letter appearing in the Daily Inter Lake of September 6, headlined: "Please hold your nose and vote for Burns," Mr. Bill Fitzpatrick issued a one-candidate voters' guide for the undecided fraction of the voting public including some who may be doing things with their lives other than closely following Washington/national politics.

In some startling rhetorical ruffles and flourishes, Mr. Fitzpatrick suggested that readers might be horrified at the prospect of certain Democrats assuming leadership positions (should the forthcoming Burns defeat be the tipping point for the looming Republican Congressional train wreck) and should thus support Mr. Burns once more in spite of his many embarrassing shortcomings.

Regrettably Mr. Fitzpatrick's targeted audience may not know enough of the political philosophy or voting records of the legislators he mentioned to recognize the potential for disaster. So in the interest of fleshing out Mr. Fitzpatrick's cursory warnings, here are some of the frightening potential results of a Democratic takeover in November:

Historically Republican legislators have been much more enthusiastic about maintaining their own comfortable compensations at or slightly ahead of the inflation rate while at the same time being keen on allowing the free market to take care of those receiving skimpier pay checks. One of the first acts of the Democratic Congress in 2007 could be the enactment of a minimum wage bill (the first such legislation to be passed in 10 years). Is this not a prospect to be terrified at the very thought of?

Another prospect which may be chilling the spines of Fitzpatrick (Bush) Republicans is the very thought of a balanced budget. What a sorry commentary on a once legitimate party which formerly championed balanced budgets and which has now fallen under the complete domination of neoconservatives who seem to be much more interested in the welfare of Israel than that of their native country. Rather than holding one's nose and voting for continuation of the Republican government by credit card as exemplified the extravagance of the Alaskan bridges to nowhere and the Iowa rain forest museum why not just do the right thing. Vote for Jon Tester, a native Montanan who has demonstrated his fiscal conservatism during his eight years in the Montana Senate.

Here is another item that may set some readers aquiver with fear: Electing a Democratic Congress will insure that Social Security is strengthened, not radically altered as fervently desired by President Bush's Wall Street cronies who would be handsomely rewarded for their support in the manner of the largest drug makers and their recent Medicare Part D bonus. It is possible but unlikely that many readers may be itching to put their Social Security savings on the Wall Street "Pass line." But after only a moment's reflection, most will agree that the Democratic Party, being the party of prudence and common sense, will continue the Social Security System, a program that has worked just fine for the last 70-plus years. A vote for Jon Tester will help insure that Social Security will be continued and strengthened.

And finally, and this might scare some witless, consider the likelihood that a Democratic Congress will be more likely to force an end to the needless and useless Iraq adventure. Most of Conrad Burns' Republican colleagues appear to be checking their abilities to think clearly at the door as they enter their respective Houses of Congress. Whatever Iraq/War on Terror fantasies that are weaved by the White House are eagerly absorbed as Holy Writ by the lesser lights in the Senate, especially the eighteen year lightweight, Conrad Burns. John Tester's election to the Senate will help restore some integrity to that body and will bring Montana values to Washington as a step towards a complete fumigation in 2008.

Franklin E Schroeter
