Friday, February 07, 2025

Letters to the Editor

| August 2, 2007 11:00 PM

Road dust in the Valley

To the editor,

Heat is something we are all familiar with these days, but I can tell you something that generates more heat than the sun and that is road dust in the Flathead Valley. My neighbors and I have met with the County Commissioners and road department for four long years, so I know a thing or two about heat and how its created. Reasonable discussions have melted down into dissention and distrust. Disregard by commissioners for their constituents plight has alienated many who thought they were voting for integrity.

We have a tragedy taking place in our midst with volumes of choking road dust and all we get is rejection and refusals. If you are in line for approval of a planned subdivision you are given the fast track, and just forget about the consequence those set in motion for the infrastructure problems, after all the object is just to get our peace. But please, stop to think that with all the benefits one sees here in the Valley. You are not seeing them from the comfort of your living room window. You are traveling, to the park, to the lake, to the mall, to the grocery store, to the school, to work and home again, but always traveling.

If we were not so mobile, we would have no problems with the roads, but road dust is a bi-product of motion, compounded by numbers, size and speed, and who doesn't like to get there fast.

So, we need solutions. Our commissioners and their advisors have no answers, so we need to seek our own. We are forming a concerned citizens group to hopefully find that answer and implement the necessary remedy.

If commissioners Hall, Brenneman and Lauman wish to work with us, we will give consideration to all. We, the people, cannot operate outside the power of their position, but we can change the power of their position. Political position should not make the rich richer, nor the poor rich. But we should seek that reasonable measure of tranquility for all.

Our small group of concerned citizens is proceeding to formalize a committee (Flathead County Citizens for Paved Roads) to field all inquiries and develop a plan.

We need people with vision, influence and commitment to make a difference, and so my first request is to hear from anyone living on or near a gravel road with dust issues to see just how many miles of road we need to address. Please call one of these three numbers 756-8854, 257-6403 or 257-1257.

Mark Gluth


Slow down on North Fork

Funny that the guy in the big, new pickup with the "pave NF" license plate roared past us on the North Fork Road going 60 mph, spewing dust everywhere, blinding us, almost causing an accident.

It is interesting that the folks complaining the loudest about dust in the North Fork might just be the ones causing it. We find that driving the North Fork Road at the posted speed limit of 35 mph raises very little dust. If "Mr. pave" and others of his ilk would drive the road legally and prudently, there might not be dust to complain about. We would suggest that if he wants to drive his truck at 60 mph on a paved road that he go where he can do that.

Linda and Del Coolidge


Thanks, Three Rivers EMS

To the editor,

We would like to thank Three Rivers EMS for sponsoring us in the Alert/Betty Woods Inaugural Golf Tournament on Saturday, July 28. On behalf of Paul Brash, Linda Brash, Dick Lundstrom and Shayne Hatfield, we would like to say thank you for sponsorship, entry fees and seven mulligans you provided for the tournament. Also, a special thanks to Mike Rensmon for making it all happen.

Paul Brash

Linda Brash

Dick Lundstrom

Shayne Hatfield

Columbia Falls

Rodeo says 'thank you'

To the editor,

We would like to thank the Columbia Falls Police Department, the Flathead County Sheriff's Office, the wranglers, spectators and all the drivers for their patience during the delay during the "wild horse drive" Saturday afternoon.

Once again it was a big success.

A very special thank you to Freedom Bank, which sponsored the drive. Things like this wouldn't happen if it weren't for people like each of you.

Thank you for your continued support of our weekly rodeos at the Blue Moon Arena.

Vance and Brandon Brash

Blue Moon Rodeo