Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A list of miracles

| June 28, 2007 11:00 PM

This letter of thanks is tardy - but its contents will never be forgotten!

Just exactly a year ago, my husband, Paul Vallely, was lying in the hospital, true miracles saving his life. We had just returned from a trip to France and had been home about two hours when he grabbed his chest and complained of a "terrible pain." Calling 911, I was connected immediately to a dispatcher named Tracey Finn. She called the Bigfork Fire Dept as well as the Alert helicopter. Her quick thinking and reassurances were miracle #1.

Derek Vanderberg was the first to arrive with Ali Raines from QRU. Derek happened to be driving by IGA when he got the call - so he was in the ambulance and at our house in minutes (miracle #2).

Ryal Call, Eda Taylor and Cory Salois also came to help and they were able to get Paul to the helicopter immediately. Our friends Joyce ("Peach") - a retired RN and Gary (both retired EMTs) Graeff were home and came immediately to get me to the hospital (miracle #3).

It was determined that Paul had an aortic aneurism which was dissecting (almost 100% fatal) and that he would be flown to Missoula after a CAT-scan was completed in Kalispell. The pilot, Jim Dicks, told the doctor that he had to leave immediately or he could not fly Paul due to the terrible rain storm coming from the south. The scan was cancelled; had he had it - we were told later - Paul would have died on the table (miracle #4).

Jim, Patti Harmen and Keith Hannon flew Paul to St. Patrick's, via permission from the FAA and the Highway Patrol, to take him right over the highway as the weather did not allow them to fly over the mountains (miracle #5).

Dr. Stephen Tahta was on call and there to receive Paul. Had Dr. Tahta taken any more tests or time, we would have lost Paul. His expertise for the eight-hour surgery (until 4 a.m.) was undeniably excellent (miracle #6). Our daughter, Dana, was able to make a flight from Idaho with a 30-minute notice (and terrible weather as well) and was by my side throughout the surgery (miracle #7).

A wonderful OR nurse named Wendy called every hour to the waiting room and gave Peach an update - who could then explain to us what had taken place - this doesn't happen very often (miracle #8).

We were told at the end of the surgery that all of this could have easily happened while in France or over the Atlantic or on the flight from Boston to Kalispell - and that we were ever so blessed (miracle #9).

Our son, Scott, who we lost three years ago, was watching over his dad and said "Dad, I have a wonderful Father watching over me here in Heaven, so stay on earth a bit longer to harass Mom and continue to do the work that you do" (miracle #10).

A prayer chain was started immediately, thanks mostly to Vicky and John Creamer, Andy and Anne Miller and Hal and Pauline Curtiss (miracle #11).

Thank you all who helped that day - and continue to take care of the Vallely family - we will never forget….

Muffin Vallely

Bigfork, MT