Friday, February 07, 2025

North Lake County Planning looking for opinions

| October 11, 2007 11:00 PM

On behalf of the North Lake County Planning Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Bigfork Steering Committee, I'd like to report to the community on our activities. This past summer, we held four community meetings to hear public comment on forming a planning and zoning district serving areas within the Bigfork School District that are in Lake County. Lake County planning staff was present and provided maps and subject matter expertise. About 135 people attended. We also gave a similar presentation to more than 50 homeowners at the Swan Sites HOA meeting. About 40 written comments were also received from attendees. We thank the community for its gracious reception and input.

In Ferndale and Woods Bay, residents strongly favored forming a North Lake Co Planning District. At Yellow Bay, in the existing Eastshore Zoning District, the clear consensus was that the existing district meets the needs of the community, and that there is no advantage in joining with other neighborhoods to form a larger district. At Swan Lake, attendees agreed that while a planning district for that area has potential benefits, zoning is not necessary or not clearly desired at this point. Our report to the BSC includes a more detailed summary of the public comments; the report and a link to maps are posted on the BSC Web site ( (R)C North Lake County page).

As a result, we will be moving forward with the process of forming a district which will utilize a variety of means to accomplish good planning, including some use-based zoning. The proposed district includes Woods Bay, Ferndale, Swan Sites, other areas along the north shore of Swan Lake, and possibly the existing Lower Bug Creek district. We are working with Sue Shannon, Lake County Planning Dept. director, to plan the next stages. Our first step is to identify existing property uses, using county records and committee footwork. After that, we expect to send out a short survey asking property owners to identify the uses they would like to see for their property and to respond to specific questions about land uses and planning needs. We will then work with Planning Dept. staff to produce a map of proposed zoning classifications, as appropriate and where needed, and to draft zoning regulations. We hope to be ready to present the draft map and regulations to the community next summer.

We've adopted a motto we think sums up our purpose: The best way to predict the future is to create it. The subcommittee meets on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, at 9 a.m. at Saddlehorn's Discovery Center. We welcome your participation. This is a huge undertaking that we believe can help preserve the way of the life we all value for decades to come, but it can only succeed if it reflects the needs and desires of the people of North Lake County.

Leslie Budewitz, Chair, for the North Lake County Planning Subcommittee

Football team should keep chin up

Just some quick words of encouragement to all the players on the Bigfork varsity football team.

My family and I have attended a few home games this year and so far those games we have seen and those that we have read about in the newspaper have ended up with Bigfork adding to the loss column. Throughout this season I have heard of and witnessed great sportsmanship despite the frustration you might be feeling. Keep in mind that football is only a game. Life is full of wins and losses, many of which you will find are far more important and more meaningful than a game of football. Learn from your experiences this year and continue to show good sportsmanship. That's what will make all of you winners. As the saying goes, "It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game".

Don't get discouraged and remember you have a community behind you win or lose.

Troy Schnell