Friday, February 07, 2025

Meetings of groups, organizations

| September 6, 2007 11:00 PM

It seemed to me there were several events which were too small for individual stories, but would make a good combined column. An early deadline helped make the decision to write about these activities.

Listing meetings and projects for organizations reminds me of the weekly Coming Events I compiled years ago in the Hungry Horse News. While most groups had telephone trees, postcards or other notices, the newspaper reminder seemed to be effective for a lot of members. We had never heard about computers let alone e-mail. Now I am almost allergic to snail mail.

Highlight of the year for North Valley Eagles Aerie 4081 and Auxiliary takes place Saturday, Sept. 8, when they host the District Conference. Presidents of the local organizations are Rick Cheek and Rosemary Rosenberry.

Delegates from Kalispell, Libby, Polson, Hamilton and Missoula will attend. Local Eagles holding state offices are Ed Klocow, secretary, Jay Motichka and Kurt Cheek, trustees, with Kurt Hogard, state president elect. Linda Downing is an Auxiliary state trustee.

Local Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary meetings are on the second and fourth Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.

Past district governor Monte Weisser, Kalispell, is guest speaker for the first fall meeting of Columbia Falls Lions Club Thursday, Sept. 6, at the Back Room of the Nite Owl Restaurant. Darryl Young, president, conducts the meeting starting at 6:30 a.m. Monte, the chairman, will discuss the District 37N convention, Oct. 26 and 27 in Kalispell.

There is local interest when the VFW Auxiliary national president makes her official visit to Montana during the District 1 meeting in Polson, Sept. 8 and 9.

Delegates attending from Columbia Falls are Mary Beth Arnold, Department and local Auxiliary treasurer; Mary Parkhill, first vice president; Linda Sieler, secretary; Gladys Shay, president; and Lavern Johnson and Irene Barnhart, VFW Auxiliary to William Murphy Post 5650.

Local VFW Auxiliary meets Monday, Sept. 10 at 5 p.m. at North Valley Eagles Club.

Red Hats lunch group will start their sixth year, Monday Sept. 10. They will meet at the home of Juanita Lind with Marion Andrew, co-hostess at 11:30 a.m.

All American Stars is theme of the year for Vista Chapter No. 44, O.E.S. First fall meeting is Monday, Sept. 17, with Eddy Lou Benson, worthy matron, and Curtis Peterson, worthy patron, presiding at 7:30 p.m. Plans for the official visit of Gayle Holland, worthy grand matron on Saturday, Oct. 27 will be discussed. Eastern Star meetings are on the first and third Mondays at the Columbia Falls Masonic Temple.

Columbia Falls Lodge No. 89, AF & AM, meets at 7 p.m., on the first and third Wednesdays at the Masonic temple with Jim Ryan, worshipful master. The Masonic lodge is the oldest organization in Columbia Falls.

Kiwanis Club is another active organization in Columbia Falls. They meet every Wednesday at 7 a.m. in the Back Room of the Nite Owl Restaurant. Ken Allen is president.

There are at least three valley events which have Columbia Falls residents as volunteers and participants.

The Antique Engine and Tractor Show and Threshing Bee is underway Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 8 and 9. The 14th annual event is sponsored by the Northwest Antique Power Association at Olson Pioneer Memorial Park. Admission is $5. Hours are 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Directions to the show: go one-half mile north of Glacier Park International Airport on Highway 2, look for milepost 129.9, then go one-half mile east on Pioneer Road, and one-quarter mile south on Helena Flats Road. It’s a great opportunity to view and learn about farm equipment used through the years, as well as other types of small engines. I am fascinated by the engines and equipment displayed and sorry I cannot attend this year.

The Flathead Valley Jazz Society party is Sunday, Sept. 9, from 4 until 7 p.m. at the Kalispell Eagles Club. The popular Rocky Mountain Rhythm Kings will be playing for listening and dancing. Jazz Society members are admitted free and nonmembers are $3 per person.

Strides, Lions walk for diabetes awareness, is a community event Saturday, Sept. 15, at Lawrence Park in Kalispell. Registration forms are available at Kalispell Regional Medical Center Diabetes Education Department, The Summit and Glacier Banks. A minimum donation of $10 is required to participate. Tax deductible donations should be payable to The Diabetes Care Program.

The one-two mile charity walk and diabetes awareness fair has check in at 9 a.m. with kickoff at 10 a.m. All participants will receive a unique pedometer. Proceeds are being donated to the Northwest Healthcare Foundation Diabetes Specific Fund to be used for diabetes prevention and education. A portion of funds will benefit Kalispell Lions Club with monies distributed to help pay for eye exams and glasses. Pam Beyer, Bigfork, is Kalispell Lions Club president.

Details regarding the Rotary Club and newly organized American Legion Post in Columbia Falls were not available at press time.

Gladys Shay is a longtime resident and columnist for the Hungry Horse News.