Friday, January 31, 2025

Muslim whining grows old

| September 6, 2007 11:00 PM

Are you ready for a brief quiz? Here is a list of events. After reading the list, you must make a choice to determine the perpetrator of all these acts. Read carefully.


In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by:

In 1979, the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:

During the 1980s a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:

In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70-year-old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:

In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a U.S. Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by:

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:

In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:

In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:

On Sept. 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked. Two were used as missiles to take out the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by:

In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:

In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:

Possible answers:

a. Mother Teresa

b. The Easter Bunny

c. Gandhi

d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

How did you answer? Really, I'm dying to know.

Apparently, the Sikh Coalition would love for us to forget all about that little list of murder and to completely forget that Muslim crazies turned our airports into a series of security blockades.

The Transportation Security Administration recently adopted a new policy that allows for additional screening of airline passengers who wear any type of head covering. Of course, this has prompted various Muslim advocacy groups to point out that Americans are racist jerks who are intolerant of - and insensitive to - the precious Muslim faith.

(Don't ask about how non-Muslim peoples are treated in countries governed by Islam, though.)

The new policy isn't racist, it's just common sense. And when it comes to the survival of my country and fellow citizens, I tend to gravitate toward the anti-stupidity crowd.

Amardeep Singh, executive director of the Sikh Coalition said: "The federal government has equated our most precious article of faith with terrorism. To send a message that the turban is dangerous sends the wrong message to society."

Actually, Mr. Singh, thousands of murderous Islamic psychopaths turned your most precious article of faith into a symbol for terrorism. And since we Americans are your most favorite current target, we think it would be wise to maybe pay attention to people wearing said symbol. If you don't want Americans to think people wearing turbans are dangerous, tell your turban-wearing buddies to quit slaughtering civilians.

Why are Muslims in this country more concerned about a turban pat-down than our efforts to protect lives? Why are Muslims so bent on demanding special attention while refusing to comply with the most basic attempts to keep their fellow brethren from launching planes into our cities?

If I was a more cynical person, I'd begin to wonder why people living in the United States keep trying to thwart efforts to protect her citizens.

I've flown a few times since the terrorist attacks six years ago, and I scanned the crowds every time - and I wasn't looking for suspicious 80-year-old white women. That doesn't make me a bigot who hates Muslims, it makes me a human being interested in his survival.

Muslims need to realize that the United States underwent a drastic change since Sept. 11, 2001. Flying is now a complete nightmare, and it is because of Muslim activities. If people who practice Islam are so worried about how Americans perceive them, the solution is simple: Instead of showing up on news shows to whine about your delicate sensitivities, come out and tell us you hope we wipe out the terrorists as much as the rest of us and that you are willing to show your support in protecting this country - the country you are lucky enough to live in instead of those 7th Century villages in the Middle East.

For Muslims to constantly play the victim is so ridiculous it's sickening. They turned the friendly skies into a battleground, and now they are going to have to play along.

Turbans off.