Thursday, February 27, 2025

Re: Exception to Montana Tourism Charter

| April 17, 2008 11:00 PM

While we agree with the majority of the language set forth in the new Montana Tourism Charter (MTC), we the following do take exception to some of the words and phrases used in this document. They could be construed as no growth, or they could be used to obstruct quality economic development.

We support the document in its entirety if applied to both National Parks and State Parks and their existing facilities.

We support the document in its entirety if it is pertaining to willing private property owners who wish to voluntarily preserve, conserve or restrict development of their own properties.

However, if talking about economic development of other privately owned land, we find some of the words, phrases and concepts are subjective and inappropriate and we cannot support their inclusion in this charter.

While we agree personally with some of these concepts, if not used to dictate growth and economic development, we feel such statements could be used as an obstructionist club against quality growth and economic development. Because of these concerns we ask for further consideration and discussion of this proposal.

The proposed Montana Tourism Charter can be reviewed at


Tim Grattan, Grouse Mountain Lodge; Bill Myers, Scenic Pointer Cruises; Charles Lapp, Government Affairs Director for Flathead Building Association; Bob Keenan; Rep. Bill Beck; Rep. Craig Witte; Sen. Verdell Jackson; Sen. Greg Barkus; Rep. Janna Taylor; Rep. Jon Sonju; Rep. George Everett; Keith Regier; Sen. Jerry O°ONeil; A6P5Rep. Mark Blasdell

Bigfork for Obama

She still doesn't get it. Politicians like Denise Cofer who are more concerned about their label of political origin are the reason voters of all political persuations are looking at Barack Obama. We are sick and tired of party lines. Barack is fresh, young and not tied to a history of political rhetoric. He is unifying not polarizing. It should not matter what clothes a candidate wears, Republican or Democrat. It takes negotiation, collaboration, cooperation and maturity to get legislation done. That's what voters want. It is our responsibilty to be informed on the issues and the candidates stance. With open eyes and ears we can listen to all of the candidates and then make our own decision based on knowledge of the candidates message, not the party politics Ms. Cofer holds so dear.

Pat Keane-Richmond
