Friday, February 07, 2025

Leave the sign

| August 7, 2008 11:00 PM

Good Lord, here we go again, a little more government please.

First, I have to let you know the blood is dripping from my lip as I write this. Call out the guard, Mrs. Spoonover's has an ice cream mural on the outside of her building.


She just went through the expense of moving her business, and this is all John Phelps has to do? Oh, wait, I see the problem now. There is a doughnut on top of the ice cream cone, maybe serving as a reminder to the last spanking Mr. Phelps took.

You know what? They could have painted a horse's ass on the side of the building. But then, they would still have the controversy of the advertising problem. Possibly a few too many people might mistake it for Mr. Phelps' new office location.

I hope this news story only serves in or as Mrs. Spoonover's continued success. I'm sure Whitefish won't object in their share of the resort tax she generates. As a citizen of this great nation, I hope she is still flying the right flag.

Lyle Hausauer
