Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the Editor

| December 4, 2008 11:00 PM

Hospitality lives here

A friend and I were traveling through your city in the end of July on motorcyles. I just had to write to say what a friendly and beautiful area you live in.

Unfortunately, my friend's older Gold Wing blew a main fuse at the stoplight on the south end of town. Fortunately, someone stopped in their truck and said there's an auto supply store just down the hill.

Long story short is we hiked to Bigfork Auto Parts and Rick and Toni were fantastic. They let us use their cellphone to call Honda, but then came up with a solution for us to save us from backtracking and losing a half day. They put together a fuse holder with ends that could be installed in the bike - worked the whole trip!

I just had to write to say how much your area reminded me of growing up in Upper Michigan - everyone helps each other out - just like a family.

You should know that I'll never forget your area and the hospitality shown!

Tom Bashaw

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

No respect for

private property

I live in the Creston Area but I have a post office box in Bigfork, a beautiful, quiet little town. For weeks I have noticed the Ten Commandments on both sides of two attractive posts along Hwy. 35 going south just before getting into Bigfork, on property that belongs to Ron Pierce. Mr. Pierce keeps this property mowed and looking good all the time, and even picks up trash along the Highway whenever he sees it, which makes a person enjoy the beautiful view as they are going through the area.

This morning I drove by and noticed that someone had thrown a bucket of paint on one side of the Ten Commandments, and what was left smeared on the other side. Now why would any law-abiding citizen tamper with a person's private property like this? It's not because they hate signs for there is another sign on the same side of the highway about 200 feet south that has been there for decades, but no one has ever tried to destroy it. This sign welcomes people to stay at their motel where they can get a good nights rest, and even take their girl friend there to spend the night, as long as they do not destroy any of the property.

Whoever destroyed this sign may not agree with the Ten Commandments, but they ought to be ashamed to stoop so low. They have a right to put up their own sign. If they do, no one in this community should either tamper with or try and destroy their sign. What are they against, God, Moses, the Jews or Christians? Or is it they don't like to be told to honor their mother and father, to not steal, to not bear false witness against their neighbor, to not covet their neighbor's property, or maybe not commit adultery? Or is it because they hate what the Ten Commandments stand for? They can commit adultery whenever they want and no man-made law will punish them. But if they kill, steal or bear false witness and get caught, the law of the land will prosecute them. Law-abiding citizens need to be alert to help prevent this type of irresponsibility from happening again in our community. If we don't, our property may be the next piece of property destroyed.

R. C. "Bobby" Lane

Kalispell, Montana

Williams off base

I see where former Congressman Pat Williams is making the rounds of the Montana newspapers with his article defending Senator Obama on gun issues. I was Congressman Williams' Republican opponent in 1984 and the NRA should have endorsed me instead of Williams. To defend Senator Obama on gun issues is a joke as his record in Illinois speakes for itself. Montanans should all be aware of gun regulations that will be introduced in 2009. Already, in several states in 2007 state legislatures passed laws on guns and ammunition. In 2008, 15 states have passed laws on guns and ammunition. Yes, Williams and Obama will say they support the 2nd Amendment but they will literally gut the amendment via state laws and new federal regulations. Obama also opposed the Supreme Court decision on the ban of guns in Washington, D.C. which was 5-4 in favor of the 2nd amendment and he still opposes that decision today. Pat williams you are wrong in your defense of Senator Obama and you know it.

Watch out Montanans. Pat, I look forward to debating you on this issue in Bigfork next year.

Gary Carlson

Big Bear Lake, Calif.