Friday, February 07, 2025

Respect your pets

| January 3, 2008 11:00 PM

I can keep silent no longer. Is there a prerequisite for those pickup drivers who own dogs that they need be uncompassionate, ignorant human beings?

Do they ever consider that their faithful companion really does not like to sit waiting in the bed of a freezing-cold pickup while they enjoy a day of skiing?

That the pat on the head and two minutes to pee before they are locked back up in the pickup to endure the fast and freezing cold drive down Big Mountain Road is not their idea of fun?

Of course, these are the same critters that endure the scorching sun and burnt feet while doing the same waiting in the summer. I know not all these folks are lazy rednecks, but some are actually people who can and do read newspapers occassionally.

Perhaps they might one day consider the obligation they have to provide a safe and happy home for the animal that still considers them the top of the world.

These loving animals deserve our respect, concern and love. If one cannot provided this, maybe it is time to find a home that does just that.

It is our duty to be decent caretakers or own up to that fact we are not up to the task. Reconsider being a pet owner if the best you can do is throw your dog in the bed of your truck.

Valerie Lloyd
