Friday, February 07, 2025

Grizzlies need protection

| January 24, 2008 11:00 PM

Although I have on occasion locked horns in the past with Vic Workman, I find myself in agreement as to how he handled the November 2007 incident with a grizzly bear and that his remarks were unfairly criticized.

However, in his remarks that delisting the grizzly will in time make for a more "respectful" animal, here comes the age-old argument once again.

The bear that charged him was not a "Park bear," and Park bears will always be protected (hopefully).

Because both the grizzly and wolf packs are "recovering," delisting efforts are under way to undo what has taken years to accomplish. To hunt an animal for sport should never be legal or acceptable.

Perhaps we should realize that they are part of nature's design, not a matter of convenience to man, and that our intrusions into their space is our fault, not theirs.

Susan Roys

West Glacier