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Determined amputee on 10,000-mile journey

| July 17, 2008 11:00 PM

By JOE SOVA / Hungry Horse News

Given a vision from God, evangelist and amputee Carol Cruise is about halfway through her eight-year, 10,000-mile trek around the perimeter of the United States. Cruise is certainly in no hurry to complete the journey — since she is representing Faith Walk Ministries along the way, praying for our country.

The Canton, Ohio, resident — the home base for Faith Walk Ministries — said the mission is to claim this country for God's purpose and to share His love with all people. She speaks at various churches and at events along the route. Her talks are not about having a handicap, but about faith.

Since 2003, evangelist and prayer partner Wendi Miller has accompanied Cruise during her walk. She spots Cruise from either a bicycle or vehicle, and provides transportation for her when she makes stops along the way. In 2006, a three-legged Pomeranian, Walker T., joined the duo. The 5-year-old is trained to assist Cruise with her prosthetic.

Cruise lost her right leg due to a medical mishap. She explains it as the result of an unnecessary surgery after an injury to the leg. Cruise had to undergo 15 surgeries over a two-year period, in attempts to save her leg. But it's gone just below the knee after an amputation.

She is on her seventh prosthetic. Five of them have been used during the first 5,500 miles of her Faith Walk.

She said she felt "tremendous strength from God" as he carried her through the ordeal.

"I made the decision to be a better person rather than a bitter person," Cruise said during a brief stop in Hungry Horse on Tuesday morning. "I pray that God uses me with one leg to do that I can't with two legs.

"So far, God has carried me 5,502 miles," she added while placing a commemorative cross along U.S. Highway 2 in Hungry Horse — to mark Cruise's progress and to spread the word of her mission.

Since the amputation, Cruise has encouraged other amputees and their families. She encourages "differently-abled" people to focus on their God-given abilities. Cruise spreads the message of faith, love and unity. Her strongest message: "The church is not the building, it is the people!"

Cruise's walk began on Jan. 1, 2002 at South Miami Beach, Fla. While walking along the East coast in the early going, Cruise's pace was covering 10 miles during a 12-hour day. She went from 33 miles per week the first week to the current 50 miles a week. During the winter, in cold-weather climates, Cruise took time off from the walk and spoke at engagements in the southern U.S. Since she'll be on the West coast by fall or early winter, she won't take winters off.

If all goes well, Cruise will complete her mission on Dec. 31, 2010, with Miller and Walker T. at her side.

For further information about Faith Walk Ministries, go to Web site or call (330) 962-1070.