Friday, February 07, 2025

Tourist bureau's finances need a look

| June 19, 2008 11:00 PM

In response to several editorials and letters concerning the Whitefish Convention and Visitors Bureau, I feel the need to put forth my own opinions and concerns regarding this organization. Before starting, I will point out that I am employed by a business in Whitefish that is not a member of the WCVB, so take that bias as you will.

First, I find it interesting that WCVB director Jan Metzmaker considers it a "voluntary" payment of 1 percent for patrons to pay for services at member businesses. While I assume that is technically and legally correct, I will also assume that in reality it is not, since those same businesses are going to have to come up with that 1 percent somehow. No matter what you call it, the cost will be passed onto the consumer.

Secondly, I find percentages to be extremely misleading. While 1 percent does not sound that big of a difference, there is going to be a huge difference between, say, a large hotel or resort versus a smaller bed-and-breakfast type of business.

Does that mean the bigger guy is going to receive a larger portion of advertising money spent for their establishment? By the looks of the WCVB Web site, I would say no.

Third, what about the non-member businesses of Whitefish? They receive no benefits other than Whitefish being mentioned in promotions and advertising. This would not be a problem if we were discussing a privately funded organization, but considering that $80,000 of Whitefish City Council-approved funds came from the collection of bed-tax revenue from WCVB members and non-member businesses alike, that hardly seems fair or ethical.

Finally, I like the idea of this organization, but I believe it has been mismanaged. A solution on a fair and wholly representative method of funding and promotion for all Whitefish businesses to be included should be resolved and implemented, or all public monies should be returned to the city and WCVB should become an unaffiliated private entity.

Wilson Maxwell lives in Whitefish.