Friday, February 07, 2025

Commissioners should wait on Subdivision Regulations

| November 20, 2008 11:00 PM

To the editor,

After their Nov. 10 meeting, it is now obvious that the County Commission is going to follow the instructions of their county planning director, and adopt his new county Subdivision Regulation proposal before the end of the year.

As one of 10 former County Planning Board members that recently signed an open letter to the County Commission expressing our concerns over this very course of action, I want to express my personal dismay over the total disregard this commission seems to have for the voters of Flathead County.

After stalling around for the past couple of years, the "bums rush" and now the seeming "panic mode" of the County to implement these sweeping new restrictions to the use of rural private property can only be explained as a slap in the face to our newly elected county commissioner that doesn't assume office until January, Jim Dupont, and to county voters that so overwhelmingly demanded change.

Through last minute "Machiavellian" tactics, it appears that Mr. Dupont will come into office saddled with these further County attacks on private property rights and the inevitable lawsuits that property owners and county taxpayers will have to bare.

This County Commissioners present actions do not serve the public well.

Russell Crowder


Veterans Day program was best

To the editor,

I felt the Veterans Program at Columbia Falls High School was the best ever and want to congratulate Soozi Crosby and students.

It was so great to have students interview Montana Veterans' Home members. Their stories were presented with large photo backgrounds for the program. I enjoyed the essays written and read by grade school students. Music by the CFHS choirs and the wind ensemble earned more compliments.

It is always good to observe CFHS and elementary students with attentive attitudes during the program. I was amused and amazed as members of the Veterans' Home were individually introduced. Students clapped and cheered as enthusiastically for each veteran as they would have at any sports event.

Soozi used In Flanders Field poem by John McCrae in the program and I thank her for this. As usual, students and adults receiving emblematic red poppies made by disabled veterans asked why we were presenting them. We also gave patriotic pencils to elementary students. Thanks to the Key Club and other volunteers with their assistance.

Two members of the U.S. Army Reserve performed color guard duties. It always seems a bit sad that so many adults and students do not know to salute the American Flag when it is presented and retired.

Gladys Shay, president

Ladies Auxiliary, VFW Post 5650

Columbia Falls