Friday, January 31, 2025

Party differences

| October 23, 2008 11:00 PM

The basis for joining a political party should be based on the organization's tenets. Read their platforms (Google Democratic and Republican 2008 Platform) for polarizing differences.

The 2008 Democratic Party Platform supports abortion on demand and amnesty for illegal immigrants. It honors faith (not God or Judeo Christianity) and supports gun rights, but the wording emphasizes gun regulation and protection against religion. It promotes health insurance for all at enormous expense to taxpayers.

The Republican Party Platform upholds the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for self defense, "the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life and affirm(s) that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life…," upholding "the Judeo-Christian heritage" by "safeguarding religious liberties" such as displays of the Ten Commandments. It believes in giving "control of the health care system to patients and their health care providers, not bureaucrats in government or business." It opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants and promotes pride in our country.

The media says the Republican Party is the champion of business and the wealthy, while the Democratic Party is the champion of the working class. Clever, since most voters are working class… but what a lie. There is a difference between the Republican conservative policy of individual self-reliance, restraint in government growth and control vs. affirmative action, big taxes/big government of the Democratic policies. Since when have welfare recipients been the working class?

A Democrat goes against his party if he values God in government, self-reliance and independence, the inherent rights and dignity of every person and if he opposes abortion, more taxes to support big government, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. If your party's platform doesn't fit you anymore, break with tradition and leave. Make a statement, take a stand.

Roland Horst


Bigfork endorsements

There are three state candidates I would like people to consider in the upcoming election.

1. Get acquainted with Monica Lindeen who is running for the Office of State Auditor (Insurance Commissioner). Her legislative experience, record and her concern for the consumer is why I will vote for her. Her opponent, Duane Grimes, is advocating deregulation. No, we do not want our insurance companies to be deregulated. Deregulation benefits only the insurance companies and encourages insurance companies to have hidden restrictions as far as coverage. Check her web site:

2. Get acquainted with Linda McCulloch who is running for the Office of Secretary of State. She is eager to clean up the office of Secretary of State after there were thirteen citations during the last election. Her experience working as Superintendent of Schools has given her the background needed for this job. She will make herself available to the citizens of Montana, keeping a regular work schedule and open door policy. Check her web site:

3. Get acquainted with Denise Juneau who is running for the Office of Superintendent of

Public Instruction. Denise is truly a success story. A Native American, graduating from Browning High School, went on to get a degree in English, a Master's in Education from Harvard and on to the U. of Montana to get a Law Degree. Her experience working in the field of education, most recently in the Office of Superintendent in Helena has prepared her well for this job. Check her web site:

Be an informed voter. These three candidates are ready to serve the people of Montana.

They will welcome your vote.

JoLynn Yenne


Vote Reichner

We have gotten to know the Republican candidate for House of Representatives for District #9, Scott Reichner, and his lovely wife Jill, in the last several months. He is a wonderful family man who exemplifies integrity, an incredible work ethic and true devotion to his community.

He is a local business man who has also been on the Bigfork School Board for eight years - two years as chairman. Scott is an Eagle Scout and continues to be active with scouting.

His wife Jill is the perfect "1st Lady of District #9" as she continues to support and work side-by-side with her husband. We would be very fortunate to have such a team represent us.

Scott stands for: fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, excellence in education, water rights, 2nd Amendment rights and a commitment to work hard for the residents of District #9! Please join us and vote for Scott Reichner!

Paul and Muffin Vallely


Driscoll on his vote

No matter what our political leanings, we all lose if our leaders fail. So, let us all hope or pray, as appropriate, that the rescue of the international financial system will achieve a good end.

I believe the second vote by our U.S. House of Representatives for the "sweetened bailout" will prove the most important congressional vote in our lifetime. It accelerated the erosion of authority from the Legislative branch of our Constitutional government to the Executive branch. This fear-based trend is defined by the creation of the Homeland Security Department, the passage of the Patriot Act, allowing warrant-less wiretapping, invading Iraq, and the failure of Congress to strategically review the defense budget in keeping with the congressional responsibility to avoid ruinous wars.

The Executive branch railroaded Congress into passing this bailout just when we most needed a steady deliberative institution to bring together independent experts to define the problem and devise a proper response.

Congressman Rehberg voted to slow the stampede. Just this once he did the right thing. As a result, as I promised before he cast his vote, I'll vote for him.

However, this does not mean I endorse Congressman Rehberg. I do not. Two years ago he said (in reference to invading Iraq), "it's not my job to second-guess the president." He has voted with President Bush on all of the administration's major issues. I see the role of a Congressperson differently.

As you decide your vote, please consider my candidacy. Our campaign without money requires you to Google "John Driscoll for Congress" for my position on important issues. If you want to communicate to Washington that its time for a "separate but equal" Congress, consider me as your message from Montana.

John Driscoll

Candidate, U.S. House of Representatives

Vote for Waterman

I am a Social Studies teacher on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation. This week I will be teaching the Bill of Rights to my eighth grade students. I believe in what I teach passionately. And because I believe that every citizen, regardless of circumstance deserves justice, I became the Treasurer for Montanans For Fairness Not Politics, a grass roots group dedicated to electing the better candidate for Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court.

While I do not know Mr. Waterman well, I know him to be a first rate legal mind, a man who is very thorough and exceptionally thoughtful. I am privileged to know several members of the Court and each one is highly intelligent, careful and precise. Mike McGrath's record reveals that he does not possess the same levels of expertise, and lacks the proper judicial temperament for the job.

McGrath's mishandling of several important cases, most notably Bromgard and Beach, is a travesty. McGrath's deposition in the Bromgard case clearly reveals his ineptitude and singular lack of will to get the truth regarding cases that relied on discredited testimony from Arnold Melnikoff. As the deposition shows, record keeping at the Montana Crime Laboratory, for which Mike McGrath is responsible, is still suspect.

It is a shame that potentially innocent people languish for years in prison. It is a tragedy for several reasons: no one should be imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, and if the person incarcerated is innocent, then the guilty party walks free, to commit even more crimes against Montanans. It is very expensive to keep people in prison. Let's make sure the ones we do support there, are the guilty.

Mike McGrath has not demonstrated diligence nor integrity in his current office of Attorney General. His decisions have been ones of expediency when justice should have been his aim.

I am not a lawyer. I am a middle school Social Studies teacher. Last month I taught my students about John Adams, who, even though it was unpopular, defended the Redcoats who were involved in the Boston Massacre of 1770. When asked why he took the case, Adams explained that in this new country, everyone deserved a fair trial, because if anyone is denied justice, all are denied justice. That is the impetus for my serving as Treasurer for Montanans For Fairness Not Politics.

Please consider voting for Ron Waterman as Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court. Our website, will convince you that Mike McGrath is not the Chief Justice that Montana needs.

M. Susan Good Geise, Treasurer

Montanans For Fairness

Not Politics