Friday, February 07, 2025

FBIA responds to Jopek's 'spin'

| October 30, 2008 11:00 PM

Flathead Business & Industry Association Political Action Committee (FBIA PAC) would like to thank the publisher and the editor of the Pilot for providing us this opportunity to comment on last week's article regarding Rep. Mike Jopek's voting record on Jessica's Law.

FBIA PAC questioned Rep. Jopek's opposition to final passage of the law, SB Bill 547, which protects our children from sexual predators. At FBIA, we believe in the safety of our citizens, especially our children.

Rep. Jopek's unwillingness to support final passage of this bill caused us serious concern. When we pointed out the inconsistencies between Rep. Jopek's words and his actions regarding Jessica's Law, he accused the FBIA of shadowy PAC practices.

Our PAC operates with the transparency as required by law. It is interesting to note that PACs were developed in response to the election abuses of the Watergate era. They are among the most transparent, well-documented methods of making political contributions, and we are proud that we participate in the political system through a PAC.

In the article, Rep. Jopek stated he voted against the final version because "…children wouldn't want to see family members go to prison for a very long time." However, in the Oct. 26 Missoulian, Rep. Jopek stated that he voted against "the final version because it had been stripped of stiffer penalties and mandatory treatment."

We simply ask the question: Did he vote against the final version because of stiffer penalties being stripped or because the penalties were too stiff?

FBIA advocates vigorously for the type of pro-entrepreneurial environment that our economy so badly needs at this time. On behalf of this remarkable organization, I urge voters to be informed on Rep. Jopek's record.

He has a 0 percent rating from the Montana Chamber of Commerce, an F rating from the NRA, an F rating from the Montana Shooting Sports Association, and he voted against a new law that would cut property taxes for Montana homeowners and small businesses (HB 315, third reading).

Rep. Mike Jopek's voting record can be viewed at or

Denise Smith is the executive director of the Flathead Business and Industry Association.